ever seen dj's lovin it? on sat at good greef one of the tidy boys was on the dance floor for a while, just wandering if anyone has seen any dj's, superstar or otherwise ,loving it in a club. With dj'ing do they lose this part of clubbing?
at coloursfest last year corvin dalek was out and about the main arena,he was dancing beside us for a bit.good to see.
Lee Burridge used to stick his last tune on and come and join the crowd also seen corvin dancing about in the crowd one of the last times he's played
Mauro goes out dancin about all the time. Seen P Diddy lovin it at the essential mix last year in Privilage.
Taucher got on the Podiums in with the crasherkids in 1999. Never seen any jock as mad for it as him!
Jon Carter stagedives dosn't he??? Me m8 Snaz says that Carter kicked one of his mates in the face when he did it at Shindig!!
deffo i had heard so many gud things about tachuer then he played a chilled going nowere kind of set i did'nt like it. would like to c him again tho
erm, he kinda stood on the bench type thing next to the decks, put his hands infront of his face asthough he was going to dive into water..........then got down ive seen quite a few DJ's "loving it" i s'pose, none really spring to mind though, corvin a few times probs, but none that stand out.
saw dalek at cream @ telewest lovin it with some birds! fergie @ godskitchen in amnesia in 2001! taucher @ eden for judgement sunday! lottie and choo choo romero @ subliminal/underwater @ pacha! every one of them were lovin it!specially dalek!(u would be if u had some stunning bird baps in ur face!)