lmao@pocahontas I crown you queen bitch darling I'm petrified of you! *makes mental note never to annoy pocahontas*
I would just like to say, I am humbled and honoured. I shall try my upmost to carry out my bitchy duties to the best of my ability. Mwahahahahahahaaaa!!
Shes got a good point though... alot of people who ive spoke to about fergie have said that he is shit, most of there reasons always end up to be cos of his change in music. But with the amount of talent that this kid has got(playing in a club at 14, while having to use a box to reach the decks),leads me to think that he isnt shit. So what about his music change, maybe he doesnt want to play hard house all the time (and who blames him for that), the last set i heard, was a mixture of progressive and hard trance, which makes him ideal for promise. It may take him a while to get it right finding what style he wants to play, but hes only young hes got plenty of time ahead.... i think he should pay us a visit and then we can all see what hes like now...
yeah he might be mint...but people's misconcecptions about him will a) attract the wrong crowd and b) scare people off. its not who he is but who people think he is
true!! but i cant c how ppl wouldnt think he wudnt fit in at promise...admitadly i wudnt really wana c him but if they r bookin ppl like jjules n that then fergie is obvioulsy a bit better than him! + how many charvers do u c in evisu?? (unless ur in middlesbrough )
im not too keen on fergie. i reckon hes well inconsistent. he can play a wicked set one night then a boring plodding and sumtimes cheesy set the next. but wen hes good hes ded good like, dunno if im too bothered about him playin at promise
hahahahahah, MINT!!! thanks Mark, techno really pisses me off with nearly every post he puts up, just slagging everything, and nasty wiv it! SACK HIM
i really don't think fergie appeals to the lowest common denominator.. and i'm quite sure that if promise can handle halliwell and not scare people off, then neither will fergie.
the way u ppl r goin on ud think I was tryin to get Satan himself behind the dex!Wot amazes me the most is that acts such as Farts & Dilson r asked to come bac time and time again and attract about thirty ppl! And wots with attractin the wrong crowd? who r u xpectin? The scurge of society to ovarun Promise in a frenzy of beer&blood? i think u lot need to luk a lil closer to home regardin ur 'misconceptions'
I cant believe you are all slating fergie! How many times have you all actually seen him in the last year ?? Over the last last year i have witnessed the mans pure class all over the country and just down the road at the sugarshack! To say he wouldnt fit in at promise is a joke, believe me if he played at promise he would have the place in his hands. We saw him at leeds town hall on Saturday and Tall Trees last night and both places he was head and shoulders above every other dj easy. To say he was better when he was a hardhouse dj is a joke aswell. If youve seen him dj youll agree with wot im saying if you havent then how can ya slate him??????
ive seen him dj many times from him playin hard house and then moving into hardish trance, and then onto the random picotto/jules type stuff he plays now, and i can say that in my opinion and alot of other people i know, that he was an amazin hard house dj but now he aint very good at all... ...he relies upon his name now to attract the crowds...the amount of fcukin pissheads and dickheads that were at sugarshack the time fergie played before xmas was a joke...chantin 'FERGIE FERGIE!!' every five seconds was ace and made the night much better as it kinda drowned out the crap he was playin such as that 'PVD-for an angel vs. Delirium- slience' tune which sent the crowd wild incidently
It takes a lot for you to have a good night doesnt it! Everyone on this board is always complaining ! Do you ever have a good night out or wot?
every nite at promise is good 4 me mate. if the dj is poo then the peeps that r there more than makes up 4 it,
i dont understand this at all, u lot sayin he aint right for promise i saw him nearly 2yeras ago at promise n he was fuking mint!! i really think we sud have him bak the bloke is a legend and as for him being "too hard" i thought eddie halliwell was hard aswell cum on give him a chance
here here! it coudlnt get harder at promise than eddie (its over 4 me) so he would fit nicely ps dont mention rich playing Flash las week hard house at promise
if u'z lot fink that fergie playz hard now u should ov heard wot he wos like when he woz rezident @ trade, THAT WOZ FUKKIN HARD. iv not heard him play for a while now but every time iv ever heard him hez playd a blindin set, an al this bout him bein a HH dj.....bullshit ill hav u know that iv heard him play all sortz b4. from HH rite through to some realy funky stuff, i will say that every thing that he play does hav a realy hard edge to it tho. but thats just his style!!!! an technofish....id like to c u call him a 'fat cunt' 2 his face........he can be a bit handy ya know, an he'd probz hav u cryin like a girl on the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That wasn't promise i dont think, that was helen and kerry's night, began with an S?, and it was on a wednesday