What a Cunt Right, this is the thing. One of my websites I have hosted with a so called friend, I say so called friend because this week they suspended my account, that's website dns, data, mail basically everything. It's no more, gone. I know this lad because he goes out with my friend, and he's pulled these stunts before her, like cutting her fone off, change her passwords, disable her email accounts, anything and everything just to be a cunt. He registered the domain on my behalf and transferred it to his hosting place. I said I would pay him the cost of the domain when it's all gone through cash in hand and forgot. (All he had to do was chase me up on it and I would have paid it, but he never) When the domain had gone through and had been transferred, I had to set up an account with his hosting website so I could log in etc, the hosting account I had was a freebie account and it was down as that. I hadn't gone over my bandwidth allowance or broken any of the aup. Last week I received a 7 days termination notice out of the blue and it ended with "the reason for this termination is because" that was it. There was no given reason why. Then I received today another email demanding £13 for the domain, if I didn't pay, this would be a "dead debt" and the domain will be held for the next 2 years and possibly be sold to someone else. I will not allowed to transfer the domain, theyre keeping hold of it apparently. Now, when the domain was registered, when he did it, he asked for my name/address and such like to be put on the domain whois information. I don't like the sound of the words "dead debt", does this mean he'll be even more of a cunt and give me an even badder credit rating than I already have! He paid for the domain, the only terms and conditions I agreed to was when I signed up for the freebie hosting account, thats nothing to do with the domain being registered, it was already there, it was mutually agreed I would pay him the money cash in hand later on when I could. It's funny that he's resorted to these measures when I see him all the time on MSN, that he's going back out with my friend now and I see and talk to her all the time, he has no excuse about not being able to chase me up for the mere £13. Even funnier, the fact that he's just this week got back together with my friend, after he treated her like utter shit, he's supposed to have turned over a new leaf, yeah sounds like it too. I can't afford him to be playing god with the site, he has ultimate control over it. It's not a good impression for the visitors to the site if it's down again and it's all because of him. Even if I paid the £13, who's to say he'll let me transfer the domain away or at a price (to be a cunt again!!!). Looking on the net, some of the packages Ive seen it would be cheaper for me to get a new domain alltogether than transfer to it. What would you do? Oh yeah and I am talking about doubledropped
Re: What a Cunt kick the shit outta him for fucking with something that youve put so much work into, if not, then submit all of his emails address` that you have to every porn site, promo site, etc. Piss him off the way in which he has done to you
pay the £13, send them a letter with the payment telling them that you are the domain holder ask fo the £13 back of your 'friend' don't forget that this person is a bit of a cunt remember that if you need something important done properly, it's usually better to do it yourself
so if you don't pay the £13 can you get doubledropped.com from someone else? There's services you can register with which will notify you when a domain name becomes available i might be confused, but don't risk losing your domain name for principles over £13
pay the 13 get the domain info and go host your site with a profesional company... it may cost money - but they wont fuck you over.
Shaun, If you wanna do what we discussed on the train lemme know... I dont mind helping I can also see if we can get the name moved..
You need to contact tucows directly to pay the bill (don't go through anyone else). You then need to change the dns over to a good server. Our company has webservers/dnsservers etc at good prices if yr interested. We use joker.com to reg .coms, they are cheap and reliable. You could move the domain to them possibly. Mail me or msn me if you want to discuss. https://joker.com/?&tool=whois&t_whois=doubledropped.com