Life of mammel's Anyone else been watching this series? And if ya have what do ya think of it? I reckon it's great as well and being very entertaining its quite informative too.
Best programe on tv! Ive been reading the book life on air! thats fucking class as well! David At rules!
The guy chasing that big cow/antelope thing for 8 houres was unbelievable. Well worth the watch. GET BACK TO WORK SLACKER!!!!
has been an amazing series Saw a documentary on him a little while back......... he was in New guinea filming and using a local tribe as guides. They took him through the jungle but stopped eventually saying they were entering territory of a neighbouring tribe and would go no further cos they were cannibals. Suddenly bout 100 of these cannibals turned up waving spears and wooping n hollering. Everyone was shitting bricks and didn't know what to do, part from DA........ he just walked up to them cool as owt, stuck his hand out and said in his plummy english accent "Good afternoon, how are you?"
Friend of mine had a method of putting-off dealers in Amsterdam. Soon as the approached muttering "ecstasy, hashish, cocaine..." he'd put up his hand and just say "No, I'm English" and keep walking. My method was to say "Do I look like I need any more drugs?" and stumble past He's a leg end, no doubt. BBC & David Attenborough make the best nature progs, continually excelling themselves. Mammals has been amazing, my fav one was the bats n shrews. The shit they can work out with beeps!