Just War read this for an overview Could this be a 'just' war? or this for more detail The Ethics or War Let me know if you think war on Iraq is just or not based on these articles If you're going to comment/discuss, try to do better than this "The nature of warfare has changed since the undeclared attack by our enemies on September 11th, 2001. Gone is the era of "just war" and "the rules of war" (even Adolph Hitler resisted using chemical weapons during WWII). Our enemies now must be destroyed as they have no such compunction" Paul G Overend , American in UK - what a cunt and please try to keep on topic, if you say yes or no, justify your arguments within the framework of the 6 points.
Yes *hes a mad man who wants 2 rule the world *in this day in age there in no need 4 such weapns!! *i wanna live till im 25 I know we put that mad man in power. But he stalled in every way possible to stop the UN inspectors inspecting his country!!! If he had nothing 2 hide, why do that? he is hardly a super power, so why does he desire such weapons? So he most be a threat, so they need 2 stop him now b4 its 2 L8
I' voted yes, but most unsure about 3. The intention behind the war must be good. If the West view Iraq as a real threat with the potential to attack and harm other nations, go for it If it's about oil, no Personally i think it goes deeper than that, it's more about West v East / Christianity v Eastern religions. This is a war about culture
I think Oil does have something 2 do with it!!! ( im not sure how much) But its more about culture, they don't like living in a world which is practacully all English, are @ least in the 1st world
I just hope they're wrong about Sadam - coz if he really has got weapons of mass destruction and chemical weapons...this could get VERY VERY nasty.
The USA just want to pacify the world and create "The New World Order" where every country co-operates with its every wish. The obvious place to start this world take over is the middle east as it is the oil producing heart of the world. The USA is so so wrong and will no doubt end up destroying the world or at least causing mass death and destruction. I hope they get FUCKED!
Bastard! I want a big anti-war demo in Newcastle on Valentines day, who knows how to organise one? Si?
Personally i don't think there is anything wrong with that cos, in the USA, England, Canada. Austrillia etc ( b4 u say it the i no all these countries were cultivated by the English ) people have freedom and don't have mad men controlling there every move!!! Take afghanistan 4 example women ar'nt alowd 2 b educated!! Is that right!!! Not @ all!! The reason these countries are so against this is, because in sum cases it is going against tridition/beliefs as most would have u believe!! But i think other wise the people in power just like ruling there countries, Dictactorship does'nt work!! People in these countries should have the same freedom as us 2 go and do what they want etc...
Well u have a right 2 an education, 2 call Blair a tosser if u wish, 2 vote 4 who u want 2 run your country, healthcare the list goes on!!!
The country of American EXECUTED a Englishman yesterday for a crime. Truly "civilised" countries would not KILL PEOPLE for crimes. Hypocritical ? Id say!
If the USA... sorry... If Bush wants to wipe out Iraq he should just wait for Saddam to actually do something WRONG. Saddam has a hell of a lot previous and is known repeat offender when it comes to war. Saddam luvs a ruck just as much as Bush, you name a war and he's had it domestics (Kurds), neighbours (Iran & Kuwait) ,international (USA,UK & others) & religious( Scuds for Israel just 4 being Jewish). But at the moment to me he seems to have done fuck all wrong
But if he has weapons of mad destruction, they may have a different outcome!!! Hes been trying 2 develope them 4 years, and is getting closer, if not succeeded!!!!