Nye?? Whats anyone doing for NYE?? Only things I've really heard about are Shindig with Satoshi Tomiie and the Radio One thing in Belfast. Anyone got any details??
if my NYE is anything like the last few years i will b having a shit time somewhere, arguing with my GF (if i had 1 now), and generally having a poo time...gonna make this year a good 1... think golden are doin something in manchester....might go to that...
I'm doing Fantasy Island in Skegness 9 arenas of hard house - not most peoples cuppa tea - but fooking hell will I wiggle!
Iam going to wait and see what Renaissance are doing since Creams line up is shit.Dont want to chance Shindig as Tomiie probs wont turn up like what he done a couple of weeks ago.
Did anyone go to the Gatecrasher thing at Don Valley Stadium for the Millenium. Can't really remember much about it but it got me into all this dance stuff. So so glad I went!
Not sure if i will be clubbing it at new year, as quite a few of my friends are not clubbers so i might go up to edinbrough like last year. But then again i did end-up completely mashed dancing round a student flat to Timo Maas@cream at 5 in the morning. So u never know....
Yeah i went to Dom Valley on Millenium G.H. it was fucking class.Sasha was mint as per the norm also thought Oakie was ok. What was the crack with that bloke though climbing the Crasher sign???
HA. I do remember that. Well, I remember being told on the bus back. Someone said PVD, I think, punched him too. I've heard that a few times.
Im going 2 GK @ Leeds Town Hall! Looks set 2 b a fooking blinder! GODSKITCHEN ARENA Mauro Picotto (UK Exclusive 3hr set) Fergie John '00' Fleming (UK Exclusive) Armin Van Buuren Daniel Soto AJ Gibson INSOMNIACZ ARENA Lisa Lashes Andy Farley Rob Tissera Paul Glazby Mark Grey iIogik
Crasher...where else? Yeah I know me and Geordie are defo off to GC for NYE!!! Been last three years so where else could I go?? Like MIssTootsie I hope to god Bond finishes!!! With Tiesto doing the midnight set it would finish the night off perfectly!!!! Anything will be better than last year though when Timo Maas and Sander K ruined my NYE with drivel!!!! To all prog lovers they were shite even my mates who prefer their Prog agreed!!!!!
Crasher Deffo I mean come on everyone do u really want to go to Shindig to see Satoshie not turn up again ???? Or would u prefer the mighty Lions Den with Judge Jules / Tiesto / Bond / Hardwick and the ever popular Eddie Halliwell !! Come on u lot u know Sheffield makes sense !! Magpie im deffo there mate me Tickets gonna get booked as soon as either i get paid or when me old girl retns matey !!!
gc nye?? as my mates are all boring b*stards im thinkin of gettin a coach 2geva for gatecrasher nye - anyone interested??
cyber gee>there already is a regular coach to crasher from newcastle....ava look in the travel section on this msg board to get the info
snarf yes we will probably end up getting fooooked, sitting down in the middle of the dance floor and talking cod shit heherhehehehehehehehehehehehehe!!!