Zoe / Fatboy split! ZOE AND FATBOY SPLIT It has been confirmed that Radio star Zoe Ball is to split from her millionaire husband, DJ Norman Cook. Her agent Vivienne Clore said the couple were separating amicably to give themselves "a bit of time and breathing space". She said the welfare of their two-year-old son Woody was paramount and he is expected to spend time with both parents during the split. She stressed the break-up did not mean a definite end to the three-and-a-half-year marriage and the couple were just needing time apart. The stars were thought to have one of the strongest relationships in showbusiness. Norman Cook, whose stage name is Fatboy Slim, is working on a new album in Brighton where the couple have another home. Ms Clore said ex-Radio1 presenter Zoe was likely to stay in the north London home she already uses four days a week when she works for radio station XFM. Nightmare, i always personally thought they seemed like a strong celebrity couple! anyway... Discuss... :groovy:
I think Zoe's a bit more mature than she used to be. To be fair, she's been out of the celeb spotlight for some time now in terms of TV and radio shows etc while I don't think Norman has to the same extent. They were gud on Shooting Stars tho.
Tis ashame really but we dont all know the truth what goes on behind doors! Maybe it's for the best. What the fuck am i? A therapist.....
my thoughts exactly id hate to be a celebrity...everyone stickin their nose into ya business.....couldnt deal with that like!