Claire, our afterparties hahaha I've just had some flashbacks. At the last afterparty at Bretts, I was on the chair with my legs wrapped around you on the floor and I was stroking your hair telling everyone you were my pony and I was taking you to a horse show and we were gunna win the championships. And the time Paul flipped out after Crasher once, we were in Bretts kitchen and you was on the floor in a mess and you didnt know what the fuck was going on when we were trying to find Pauls wallet, then you came out with Never look a gift horse in the mouth, funny as fuck! hahhaha
I know. Good times and Paul, what a fucking trophy eared FRUIT! Considering hitting brett over the head with a frying pan and ringing the police to say that we were holding him hostage! Worse case of paranoia ever. Did I tell you that him and I had fallen out! Bretts the other week was good. It was right cosy sat in the corner with you and ashley! I bet you get done for not putting this on a PM
OMG! Claire I've just remembered!!!, I saved an MSN convo with him after it all happened, did I ever show it to you? do you want it?
Here's a taster, not a fan of posting msns convos on the net tis funny as fuck. Chemical_Kidd says: i can see myself keep looking at you, trying to see if u were mouthing things to everyone in the rest of the room, and everytime u realised i was watching u, claired tapped u on the leg to warn you, and u were both chewing gum to camoflage u prepareing the big round of harshness u all gave me! Chemical_Kidd says: i still keep getting these dogy panic attacks where i keep thinking that it DID actually happen, and everyones just saying it was a base parania attck to camoflage it. And that i was just after party entertainment, or that u made a "fake" paranoia attack to warn me off doing that much drugs again! Chemical_Kidd says: i could see u looking at me and stuff, and u were all harshing me in the form of hints like "dont u hate it when people ask for a cup of tea and never drink it" , cause i didnt drink the cup of tea brett gave me, and when there was a Mr Men book going around , u were all looking at the back saying number 21 looks like somone tidyShaun - emma has tired me out says: all in your head paul, honestly, i just sat there for 3 hours horsed Chemical_Kidd says: and u were all texting each other things about me, and that chris (rainbow monkie) was part of this whole planned harshing session, and that he was invited to also join in, and like when u had done all the mild harshing of me , u said "round 2" and then u did it all again but even harsher harshes!!! Chemical_Kidd says: and it got so bad , i nearly rang the police in the kitchen and was gonna tell them that i was being held hostage cause i couldnt understand why the blinds were down. and i remmber thinking to myself "this is to surreal to of happened; but if it didnt happen why is claire not coming in to help me if she can hear me crying - which backed up the idea that it had actually happened!"
Aye, youre not wrong. It would have been even worse if he called the police and hit Brett over the head with the frying pan
Hahaha! How very amusing! Do you know what he didn't ring the police though in the end? Becuase he'd nicked a knife out of bretts kitchen, and he thought that he'd get in trouble for having a knife on him! What a twat!
wow, I'd start easing back if I was him, that can't be fun When you're friends are like that, do you harsh/comfort them?
I'm not joking when I say that all of us had spent all morning trying to comfort him, but there really was nothing that we could do with him. I've never seen anyone have paranoia sa bad as that before. Every little thing that anyone in the room did or said, paul somehow managed to think it was directed at him. It was awful
that is sooooooooo true!!!! i bloody h8 it when u go to the effort of making some1 a cuppa but either they talk too much & when they go to drink it it's gone cold or when u bring it in & they just change there bloody minds!! unfortunatley i've done that on the odd occassion!!!