Took the words right out of my mouth. Or that one that sasha played last at the shack the other week. Anyone who was there wanna tell me the name of it?
At the moment I'd have to say tony de vit - I don't care, but in a few weeks time I'll despise it (grrrr@tidy)
7 cities to see off the courtyard woz special... i nearly cried!!! synesthesia woz a bit of a shock on fri nite!!! magic tho!! yeke yeke... always a fave of mine.
'Synesthasia'! Erm, considering I'm a House DJ, the ultimate set finisher would be Afro Medusa's 'Pasilda'. Absolutely blinding tune I've never tired of since I first heard, way back in April 2000!
the shack 3 years ago scott bond played Skydive and then finished off with skip raiders- just another day quality
Used to be Bullet in the Gun, not anymore, but would still bring back special memories. . Now - Kansai - Rococco.