surprised this hadn't been put on here as it was on the front page of the chronicle, surprised when i seen the story like.
That article doesn't make much sense. Why would someone "dump" her in the street instead of ringing an ambulance? Proper shit if it is true though.
Or maybe she just collapsed in the street? Look like 'lass dies off cowies she intended to take' isnt really an alarming enough headline, there had to be some malice involved.
I love the blatant attempt to make it sound like DRUG USERS will dump people into the street at the slightest bit of trouble. The thing with the old cowies is that there has to generally be something wrong with you, or you are some mad fucker, or SOMETHING going on to make you take too many. Obviously people get into epic clips but even doing a whole gram of the stuff is not going to kill the vast majority of people. I'd love to know the exact details here, as opposed to the massaged 'story'.
Sad that anyone should die young like this but is it deffo MDMA or something like PMA? What is a lethal dose of ecstasy? I can't seem to find that out the New Scientist noted "A much larger percentage of people suffer a fatal acute reaction to peanuts than to MDMA.... Sadly, perspective is something that is generally lacking in the long and tortuous debate over illegal drugs."[
The LD50 of MDMA is 80mg/kg of bodyweight. (The LD50 is the dose at which half the experimental subjects died). So if you weigh 70kg, you would need to take 5600mg to be in serious danger. This is at least 50 or 60 good pills.
Im guessing its an obvious case of some/most of the facts being taken out of the reports to make this even halfway sensationalist. either that or there was something else in her system too!
it's like that time when a couple of lads in shields died from a suspected 'MDMA OVERDOSE' and then it turned out they were complete idiots and were also taking GHB and drinking far too much as well. and those who know will clearly click on to what was clearly cause of death there.