Blackout FM launched. A pro quality station station in the vein of WEAR FM!!

Discussion in 'Music' started by Blackout FM, May 4, 2011.

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  1. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    @ MELT -

    Tis ok mate. It must be a stressful week for you with the run up to Detox.

    @ Earl Grey

  2. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Earl Grey sorry never replied to this. Yeah we were originally called Blackedout FM. About 4 years ago.
  3. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    June mix now online. Ready for 1st June (tomorrow so remember to say white rabbits lol)

    Please can you make people aware if you don't mind. Stick the link on your Facebook wall. No sweat or pressure if you don't want too.

    Also feedback very much appreciated and welcomed.
  4. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Hello guys.

    Sorry for being absent for nearly a year. I hope news has tricked back. I have had a terrible time. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and it has literally turned my life upside down. I am much better now than I have been previously but to give an idea I am still relatively house bound 75% of the time. This is a big step up from being 100% bed ridden like I was at the start! Im now at the stage where I can get on a few forums and such. Hence this hello.

    Anyhow, not to dwell on that, im back just to say hi, im still alive, thanks to all that done guest mixes for Blackout FM previously and that there is an up and coming show planned. Obviously due to illness it may take some time but im aiming for June/July.

    I hope everyone is well and doing great.
  5. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    Fibromyalgia - bad crack that. Hope you find some medication that works for you
  6. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Hiya SECT.

    Nowt works mate. To be honest they don't even know what it is. So there no where near a treatment. The good news is it can cure itself but its very rare. I do keep positive though. I mean, it could be terminal cancer or MS. At least with FibromyalgiaI get to see my little girl grow up and such.

    Its just reduced me to about 15% of the capacity I had a few years ago. I cant work and such so the mortgage is an issue. Anyhow, im waiting out for this rare self cure. It may be rare but so am I :]

    Im at a stage where I can do the BOFM shows again. Before I got ill and vanished of the map we had 2000+ listeners per show. I loved this. Tons of American, Russian, German etc etc listeners. I felt I was educating the world to what they couldnt get back in the early 90s as well as raising awareness of Wear FM. Wear FM for all intents and purposes has been left to rot and be forgotten about. I think this is an utter disgrace. Sunderland Uni should have a dedicated web page with a ton of facts and such on it. In its day and context Wear FM was the next best thing to a high quality pirate radio station like Kiss FM. Nothing was like it. And in a very depressed North East it was a candle shining brightly in some dark poverty stricken (for England) days.

    Anyhow my post wasn't so I could get sympathy of the world. More to explain to the good mates I had made on here where the hell I vanished to one day.
  7. MELT

    MELT Registered User

    Jun 20, 2006
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    there was abig contingent of us thought you were / are howie

    bad crack about the illness but welcome back.
  8. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Hi MELT. Thanks.

    Yeah, about that Howie thing. I never got why people were thinking we were one and the same.

    A few reasons.

    1 - I don't talk anything like Howie? Do I? I honestly don't think I do anyhow. Surely this alone proves im not. Or were you all saying I was the front-man and Howie was the driving force?

    2 - I actually asked Howie and SLP to do mixes for the show. Howie accused me of being Detox in disguise. SLP was all up for it but then vanished. Its such a shame as I would really love old Wear FM DJs to get involved.

    To be honest Howie has upset me, as I was a big fan. I he show and the tunes he introduced me too. Yes, I know he was very arrogant and pig headed back then but he had a lot of success and it affected him that way. What I dont get is how he still seems ful of himself to this day.

    To be honest, with the reluctance to do mixes from Howie and SLP I honestly wished I had called the show something different. Watch this space, it may change.

    Before I got ill and after only 3 shows it really took off. We had over 2000 show download an episode and had all kind of opportunities opening up.

    I guess you will all have to just think I am Howie, but I honestly think there is too many things stacked against that. I mean for one, why DJ as The EM-IX? Why not just call myself, errm - Howie!

    If either Howie or SLP ever read this, please get your fingers out and do a mix. Perhaps even a voice over endorsing the show. Come, be part of it. Its down to the bogie bass and soulfish shows and DJs that BOFM exists today.
  9. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    lol, just reading back my above post.

    Howie thinks Im detox, Detox thinks Im Howie. For goodness sake :-/
    Conway likes this.
  10. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Hello 586 how are you?

    Hoping you will be up for up and coming guest mixes? I have very similar taste to yourself (And Earl Grey) Trouble with some of the mixes we had on the show were they all tried to out hard each other by playing the most nosebleed tunes you could find. While I will never influence the guest DJs selection Im far more a melodic type of guy.
    Id actually forgotten all about Orange Lemon (Sin I know) but since I heard you play it have being playing on my Walkman for ever since.

    Has anyone heard anything from Howie or SLP since SLPs slot on Detox. (Id guess not about Howie.) As said I got a few Emails back for SLP but then it went dead. I explained my illness and everything to him and he was quite patient about it and more than happy to do a mix. Then he stopped replying.

    Anyone remember Steve P from Wear FM? Hes going to do a mix for us. Good friend of mine so that was easy really haha.

    Don't forget Detox lot (And any other nights worldwide) Drop me a line and ill promote you on the show. 2000 worldwide listeners. Probs most from the NE of England though but why not, its free. Im only too pleased to help any music scene out.
  11. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    Taking about old nights etc -- went to hac @ sankeys on monday --- peter hook / utter shite / played music u would hear on galaxy last week

    Other than that theres a detox in sep , im sure melt will be on the case with info

    Reguards mixes , i quit 1 of my jobs today to enjoy life more on an evening and weekends , and to be able play the finer music in life in my spare time , acidhouse and non headfuck tunes (you cant call them nosebleed , its not that terrible compared to noise that is called gabba :)

    Why dont you arrange for a 'live' recording of slp in sep
  12. Rigsby420

    Rigsby420 Registered User

    Apr 17, 2011
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    Taking your end.
    Welcome back mate
  13. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Earl Grey.

    Hi mate. Ill gladly promote the up and coming Detox on our up and coming show.

    If your in touch with SLP please will you ask him to get in touch with a view to doing a guest mix. And if he likes what were doing perhaps a voice over endorsing the show. That would be well cool.

    Also he used to play this tune all the time and ive been after it forever. Ask him if he has a clue what it is please mate.


    Thanks mate
  14. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    melt has more of a chance speaking to him so im sure he will see this mesage

    such a simple tune that , realy should get making tunes again
  15. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    All the best tunes are simple ones mate.

    As for making tunes these days I dunno. The world has changed and none of us pre internet generation types fit anymore.

    Gone are hardware synths and samplers. Now its all virtual and it all fits on your wrist watch and virtually writes the music for you. Even mixing tunes together has no art or skill. The computer matches the beats and keeps them in sync leaving my wondering what DJs actually do these days. Because music is so simple to make now and anyone with a passing interest can do it with a cracked this and that on there mams laptop the value of music has plummeted to the point where you cannot even give it away free half the time. Sigh! I I morn for the 80s and 90s when we had a separate device for each activity.

    A tape deck and turntable for music playback away from any screens whilst you listened, a huge collection of tangible records and tapes instead of a few files on your laptop, a TV for TV instead of the same laptop you do everything else from, A letter for writing messages, A telephone to talk to friends as opoposed to tapping away on facebook to people who claim to be friends but hardly know you and its more just convenient, A video or DVD to watch films instead of a laptop. Jeez I could go on and on. All of that has been replaced by sitting at the same chair on the same arse groove viewing your entire life from a computer screen.

    How I miss actually going out of the house and buying records at Volume and Trax. You could spend a Saturday morning socializing, making new mates etc, buying tunes was only 10% of the experience. Then off to a synth shop in the afternoon, repeating the socializing experience and trying out the new synths you actually had to save up for and when you bought a few months down the line the feeling of accomplishment and ownership was immense. These days, you DL a cracked 5000 VST synths and transfer your mates 55 million trillion gillion gigabyte iPod library to your own. sigh!

    On positive thing to say though, how pleased I am im not a kid these days. Life via a LCD screen just doesn't suit me thanks. Sadly there is now a generation below me that knows no different.

    oooops, im ranting again. Sorry but its something I feel strongly about.
  16. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Guess im on my own there :)
  17. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I don't agree. DJing is not just about mixing. It's about reading the crowd, programming or stacking your tracks (so your music has continuity or a pattern to it), and entertaining people. The day that someone invents a computer that can do all of this reliably (and it DJs better than any human), I'll happily hang my headphones up. The technology nowadays allows for more creativity, but not everyone is creative enough to take advantage of it ;)

    Sort of with you on that point (having worked in a record shop). I love having something physical to hold after I've bought an album or a single - it feels kind of hollow when you've bought 60 tracks off a site on the net and you can hold it on a player smaller than a matchbox.

    At the same time though, it makes the music we listen to more accessible and gives us more choice. I struggle to keep up with some of the new releases (I could listen to some of my favourite genres on beatport all day and still not get through the full list), but making so much music available online means that I find it easier to get my hands on lots of decent music. I just have to wade through the stuff to get to it.

    Technology has improved some things, made some things worse, but it seems at least to me that most of it is the same. Formats come and go (vinyl/cd etc), decent music and good nights out don't really change, they're still there ;)
  18. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i

    the only real buzz is a record - i went to madchester bankholiday monday , i never seen so many record shops and they were all rammed , i bought some tunes and was well happy , reliesing 'when did i last go in a record shop?'

    i know loads of djs qwho think there djs but they are not , they buy the newest tunes that everybody has and have no real 'creativity' with the music.... pressing buttons on a non record deck , clicking a laptop to do a loop is not creative , only using the human brain and fingers tips does one reach the peak of creativity
  19. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    if u dj in a bar or commercial enviroment an use 'digital formats' i understand

    going underground and staying with your roots is the only real true direction

    the internet made people lazy
    Rigsby420 likes this.
  20. Blackout FM

    Blackout FM

    May 4, 2011
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    Hey Conway.

    Nice to have a different opinion.

    That last line. About today allows for more creativity. I just don't see how? Mixing without autopilot in the DMC championships in 1990 seemed more creative to me than the decks doing it for you today. Seriously mate. The problem with all of this technology means that no one gets an edge anymore.

    Back in the day musicians such as the prodigy would takes ages timestretching and trimming on an S1000 sampler. Must have took weeks and superb fore-site to know the end result would be worth it. These days, Just slap everything in ableton or simpler. I mean, who the hell couldn't do that?

    Now that we have DJ tools that beatmatch for you and keep everything quantized for 10 years if need be has sucked the art out of it for me. Difference before was you had to be able to beatmatch. And to do that, well there was people who couldn't, again that edge thats impossible to have these days.

    As for reading the crowd mate ive seen some bloody terrible a list DJs that couldn't read the Sun newspaper. The best thing they have on there side is everyone is on E and doesn't care haha.

    I guess what bugs me most is how people live life through a computer these days. DJing, Watching TV, Socializing, Making music, listening to music, stealing music. I dunno mate, its just bland to me.

    I do agree with you where you say there has been some benefits. I mean, BOFM wouldn't exist if it weren't for the internet so im not 100% against. I just feel life has changed so much ij the past 10 years. More than it did in perhaps the 50 years before it. Im not sure im happier this way either. So now that that's out if everyone wouldn't mind changing back for me hahahahaha. See you all at Volume on Sat morning.....ahhhhh, how id love that. Beats Beatport any day.

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