War against Iran

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rossy, Nov 2, 2011.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    How far can the Iranian nukes fire? can they reach the indigious peoples of the british isles ??? *shocked face*
  2. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Nah. They can hit most of the middle east (including Israel), but thats it.
  3. Rigsby420

    Rigsby420 Registered User

    Apr 17, 2011
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    Taking your end.
    Currently within strike range of Newcastle you have the following:

    7728 nuclear warheads

    By country

    2347 from USA
    4568 from Russia
    192 from UK
    121 from China
    300 from France
    200 from Israel

    By delivery

    2690 from long range ICBMs
    240 from short range missiles
    2027 from bomber aircraft
    2771 from nuclear submarines

    .......Do you want to play a game?
  4. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Does this included the Gurkha's because they have many time and alot of Indians fought with us in WW2.
    Also there plenty of black lads in Afgan right now.
    Muslims i don't think would join up mass numbers but some will just as some will form terror cells.
    Iran would worse than Afgan leaving us really stretched will the cuts in the military its a war that would very dangerous if Cameron leads us into it with Iran he has to go as the loss of life would horrific.
    Iran would conscript all its fighting age men plus the with us pulling out of the country next door we would insurgents behind our combat troops.
    Israeli would have to drop the bomb and then its all out Muslim jihad.
    Conway and Rigsby420 like this.
  5. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Don’t be stupid. The Ghurkhas are the pride of the army and its a disgrace they dont get citizenship after years serving in our forces. I donate to the Ghurkhas every years they are fucking legends.

    The 'Black Lads' are not immigrants as they are born here.

    What point are you trying to make here? That people who have fled their own nation without putting up a fight to something as little as some poverty will then sign up to give their lives fighting for OUR nation?

    Again... what the fuck are you trying to say?

    That go's for the "likers" too
  6. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    The British Army has lots of foreigners in it. It has a shed load of Saffa's & Fijians.

    Of course it may be bit trickier for them to apply now:
    Please note that the Overseas Cell has closed and no further Regular Soldier or Regular Officer applications from Foreign and Commonwealth Nationals will be processed online. Therefore with immediate effect all such applications are to be made in person at a recruiting office only once you're in the UK.
    Also note we can't assess your eligibility until an application is complete, so check the "Notes for Commonwealth Applicants'" and the AFCO Form 5 notes first as your travel to the UK is undertaken at your own risk. Furthermore, the British Army cannot assist with applications for visas and an invitation for interview does not guarantee your eligibility for a visa. All officer Applicants must ensure that they meet all the Education and Residency requirements in the 'Can I Join' section of the website first.
  7. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    The Fijians are fucking beasts, anyone whos read or seen anything about the Battle Of Mirbat will know that.

    I think its a disgrace these lads dont get to live here after all they have done and the fucking slime of every third world country can just rock up and claim assylum.
  8. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    These Sikh Warriors died en mass. I think it was something insane like 9 millon or something.

    They dont get the prasie they deserve, althought anyone from this board know I rate Sikhs higher than most of my own race.
    james909 likes this.
  9. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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  10. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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  11. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    The point is when you go on about immigrants you forget the amount of foreign nationals who later became British and consider themselves British who fought and died for our country.

    Like the polish and Czech lads who taught us how beat the German air-force and win the Battle of Britain which my gran served as anti aircraft gunner in, so has nothing but respect for the poles the Ghurhas and the sikhs they did not flee there nation they believed in what Britain was and wanted to help rebuild it after the war how can you dislike some one for wanting a better life.

    That goes for asylum seekers if a country's committing genocide i am proud Britain offers a safe haven for people from the the Congo. Yes people abuse the system but at least some of us value human life enough to help out other human beings.

    For that we live in secular society not defined by race or religion i feel your posts want politics decide along those lines that's too close to what we fought against in ww2.

    How can you fight poverty by taking opportunity's and making the most of them if that means after fighting for a country taking up the offer to live there, then that's what you do.

    You don't mind the Ghurkhas doing it which we both agree on .We encouraged immigration from the west indi's when we had rebuild our country yet many of your post are anti black to me it makes no sense you just seem to want to hate on different races if there not white or from sunderland.

    God help us if that was the gene pool white racist makems.
  12. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    This is about all i could manage of that. It reads like your mind ate some dodgy sea food
  13. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    At least I have a mind and don't just spout the same boring nationalist rubbish post after post.

    It like your stuck in loop all it ever is slagging of Newcastle united players, Muslims and anyone else you does not subscribe to your badly reasoned world view.

    Also you to make up definitions that don't exist.

    "Black people can be Civic British but they can never be Ethnic British. (no matter how early they dress their kids in Lampard England shirts)"

    "Shola's got a British passport but he was born in Africa to African parents. Hes about as British as a croissant yet he holds a British passport therefore hes Civic British."

    "Its pretty easy to get a British Passport, owning it dosnt suddenly change your actually nationality."

    "The 'Black Lads' are not immigrants as they are born here."

    Fighting for there country but by your definition civic British.

    The Term does not exist, only in your head. They are British

    Any ways it's nearly Christmas this the last I am posting on the issue I never going to change your view point and I am not going to subscribe to yours.
  14. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Fucking hell Jimbo.

    Its Christmans, chill the fuck out :lol:
  15. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    What are you trying (badly) to say?

    That the Gurkhas are British?

    Your not putting your point across very well i am afriad, and Conway can you send him the "How to quote.pdf" please

  16. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    I am Dyslexic it pretty easy to spot i showing how you contradict your own posts.

    It does not matter see my last sentance but this sums up most of your posts to me.

    It like your stuck in a loop all it ever is about is slagging of Newcastle united players, Muslims and anyone else you does not subscribe to your badly reasoned world view.

    Have good christmas anyways and ease off on the hate threads the gary speed one was totally not called for what did the man ever do to you other than play for Newcastle.
  17. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    Getting very interesting this situation now, I've been keeping a close eye on it all, of course with Syria being Iran's main ally they are next on the hit list. I would say mark my words that Syria will soon look just like Libya but it turns out Russia is now behind Syria & won't agree to a No-Fly-Zone, which is just as well because a no fly zone means taking out anything military, & we all know what happens there don't we?, take Libya for example. Turns out also that the Russians have been sending military ships to Syria, but as usual we don't hear about any of that from loyal & honest media.

    The only thing between Iran & Syria getting ransacked now is Russia & China, mainly Russia, the last country we want to be pissing off to be honest.

    I know a girl living in Damascus right now, been talking to her most nights & she has some right horror stories, just hope she gets out of there when things get bad.
  18. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Where have you been? The Russians have been providing weapons and military support to the Syrians for years. The Beeb was reporting on it a few weeks back.

    The Libya uprising had the support and aid of the international community, thanks to Russia & China the Syrian uprising doesnt, and it has turned into a bloody massacre as a result. I suspect it's inevitable that the governement in Damascus will be overthrown (eventually), but that thousands of the population will pay the price for that freedom.

    The difference between Syria & Iran is that Syria uprising is civilian-led. Iran has it's own dissidents and opposition movement, but the government is far too strong for it to be toppled. A few decades of sanctions have made no real difference in weakening the regime, and now that regime stands on the eve of obtaining nuclear power and weapons for itself. It's unlikely that anyone will attack Iran for that reason, although they will probably find themselves under growing isolation and more sanctions. It's more likely that they will do something stupid like attack Israel, and then face a massive military backlash.
  19. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    stuwrong, Rory Space and Conway like this.
  20. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    Aye, and Russia & China didn't expect a fucking ransacking of the place when they agreed, didn't I send you the Putin interview after it all?. When they say they want to provide aid, there's allot more to it, they are sneaky bastards. Did you even know that when they were apparently sending "Aid" to Libya, just over 1000 troops were deployed to Libya?, because it was more or less a fucking invasion. You may say they were sent to help, but why wasn't this covered by our media. Russia know that supporting anything these cowboys do regarding Syria now WILL leave it in the same mess as Libya, hence they're not backing unless it's peace talks between the sides.

    And I didn't say Russia haven't been providing arms / support to the government, they have for years yes, but they've recently sent in ships & 3/4 nuclear subs, they selling them to the Syrian government as well like?. They arrived 3 months ago.

    Oh & the civilian-led uprising is a pile of shite it's been stirred to fuck by big British American & French wooden spoons, there's a minority there who want regime change thinking were going to go in & save them, they're far better off with their current regime than what they'll be left with if there's a no-fly-zone slapped on the place. Thankfully Rissia & China won't agree on one etc like they did with Libya, as they know fine well what it'll do to the place.

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