E-petition demands drastic action to stop Britain's population hitting 'unsustainable' 70million

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Congay, Nov 1, 2011.

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  1. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    The clue here is that she lives in Monaco. Thats about as complex a Tax dodge as Spot the Dog is to read
  2. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    dont muddy the waters chaps! start your own thread :lol:
    Conway likes this.
  3. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    Tax evasion is illegal. The things you have described in your posts are not
  4. MaGoo


    Apr 6, 2009
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    Exactly that, Forks. My post did say, if you read it properly before having a hissy fit, that I accept some people get away with paying next to nothing, and I'm sure you would, too, given the chance. I've worked with people whose tax bills for a month are 5 or 6 times more than I earn in a year, which isn't loads but it's a few grand above the country's average. You moron.
  5. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    you started with the personal insults. If you want to get into namecalling I can give as good as I get. However if you want to discuss the issue I'm happy to oblige.
    "Tax evasion is illegal. The things you have described in your posts are not" - well exactly. That is what I'm on about. Is it right that he can get away with the fiction that his wife owns the company and avoid paying taxes just because he is rich enough to have her parked in Monaco? If we are going to hate immigrants because they use benefits, why don't we hate rich bastards like him who want the benefits of a stable country with respect for the law and low levels of corruption but are not prepared to pay a fair share towards it's upkeep?
    Is it OK for him to cheat the country cos he's British but not for poor foreigners? I'm not so dim that I think that all people who are wealthy are scroungers on the state, I just wish the board's pet racists and xenophobes would acknowledge that there are good immigrants who work hard doing jobs that you would turn your noses up at and pay taxes and contribute to this country. You talk from your personal experience Technofish but there are other experiences. I have personal experience of immigrants too. The ones I know personally who have been treated abysmally by the UK and given shit by the authorities and abused by thick white dimbos, who were not allowed to work when they were desperate to do so. One who escaped after torture in his own country threatened with being sent back to certain death.
    What do you imagine will happen when we reach 70,000,000? It's just a number. The population of the world is spiralling out of control. Did you imagine we would somehow avoid having more people on this little bit of the planet?
    Conway likes this.
  6. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    I think thats fine, if I could do it I would. I take every opportunity with my own finances to reduce my tax bill but within the confines of the law

    Now that I agree on :up:
  7. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Nice try Pike, but I didn't get my facts from Google, it's straight from the Immigration legislation.

    If there are any EU nationals blagging the system as you suggest, it's because their local jobcentre are a bunch of clueless fuckwits who aren't checking their paperwork as they should...
  8. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Not just this, but there are immigrants doing work here that the "natives" simply don't have the skills or knowledge for. I worked with a lad from Pakistan in my last job that had a PhD and was an expert in network deployment and troubleshooting. He worked for a major UK communications company on a secure government account for 24 months and payed more in tax than I have in the last five years. They brought him in because they had trouble finding someone with equivalent qualifications and experience who was a UK national.

    The reason he left? They tightened up the UK immigration laws so when he applied for Visa renewal, he no longer qualified for leave to stay and it was rejected, even though he had MoD security clearance and was cleaner than a whistle. He'd never done anything more than graft his arse off and get paid shitloads for his trouble. Last I heard he got offered work in the States and was raking it in doing similar work over there.
  9. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    So morality has no place in your universe then? or fairness? just the letter of the law. And if the law is unjust? And the lawmakers are in bed with the ones who benefit?
    Do you think the laws should be changed or are you happy that things are like this? Do you think that we should concentrate on the poor and disadvantaged and make sure that not a penny of your taxes should be wasted on them, whilst ignoring the tax evaders? If so you are a true child of the Thatcher era. I hope you're well prepared for the shower of shit her legacy is about to dump on all our heads.
  10. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Which you accessed how?

    As for "blame people down the job centre" ...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just cos you forget to put your childs nappy on dosnt mean its your fault if a pedo comes along and rapes it

    Everyones doing their job just fine, its the system that allows this plundering which dosnt mean its right.

    Go on have another try, pissing in the wind !!!
  11. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Your muddying the waters.

    I even specificly pointed out the problem was with people coming in and taking from the system the havent contributed too. But that must have gone over your head...

    I wecome immigration of elite workers and graduates that improve and thicken the cream at the top of this country, people like doctors from india keep the NHS working, it would collapse without them.

    Its the bottom feeders, breeders and benifit needers that we dont want or need. We have enough of our own which we need to get back working never mind injecting the country with lower class foreigners would contribute nothing and wont for a long time if ever.

    But anyway... get on with it! its your taxes going into my pockets now I am down the Fraudulant Fugees.

    Conway reminds me of the Brass Band playing on the deck of the Titanic as it slipped beneath the waves
  12. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I "accessed" it by reading it? The Mrs has a copy of the immigration laws in book form with her being a solicitor, but I'm sure if you google it you should be able to find it yourself ;)

    Any immigrant applying for benefits has to produce their passport to HMRC/DWP in order for their eligibility to be assessed and confirmed. Anyone from outside the EU (and certain immigrants from inside the EU) have their passport stamped on arrival with "No recourse to public funds", meaning that they cannot claim any benefits, period. It's not something I read or made up, it's the law and it's fact. Any solicitor, immigration advisor or law graduate can tell you that.

    They can't just scoot round it all by pretending to be self employed like you make out. The only way they can get round the system is if the people running the system can't be arsed to do the checks that the law requires.

    The reason we have so many immigrants? Employers in this country would rather hire a highly skilled immigrant, or a low-paid hard working immigrant, than train up their own staff or take on Brit teenagers. There's currently a cap on migration to this country from outside the EU. Employers have reacted to this by recruiting more people inside the EU instead, pushing the migration figures up further - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/25/uk-migration-rise-poland-eurozone

    I find it ironic that you slate immigrants/immigration and yet you're quite happy to employ migrants - you're part of the cause of the problem that you're busy bitching about. If migrants had no opportunities, jobs, or reason to come here, they'd stay at home. As long as people like you give them jobs that are better than what they'd get in their native country, they will always come here and take up work.
  13. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Far from muddying the waters pike, people don't just migrate to this country to try and cream in government benefits. That was my point.

    Show me how many migrants actually come to this country to claim benefits and play the system? If you're right and it's as widespread as you make out, you should be able to find the proof quite easily? Show me some statistics or some cold hard evidence that isn't from the Daily Mail ;)
  14. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
    Likes Received:
    hurtling towards nirvana
    he's seen it with his own eyes. And from that he knows for a fact that they are all cheats and scroungers. And any facts that contradict that will be ignored. Funnily enough many of the Ugandan Asians who arrived here with not a penny and did in fact get benefits when they arrived, went on to start successful businesses which benefited us all and provided employment for the 'natives'
  15. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Monte Darlo
    The law is the definition of what the people of that land deem moral and right. Just because you disagree with the law doesn't make if unfair or immoral. I honestly think if you were in the position of having money you would do the exactly the same, its human nature. As for this Thatcher legacy malarky dumping of us Im all ready for what will be end up being absolutely nothing.
  16. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    The NHS recruitment is nothing to proud of for fuck sake unless you think taking medical workers from the 3rd world / developing countries is good. The NHS has been accused by many nations around the world of breaking bans & using loopholes to fill jobs for years. NHS recruitment has probably led to more deaths around the world than the rucks in Iraq & Afghanistan.
  17. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    LOL! What part of I work with these people didnt you understand!

    Ok then carry on Ostrich neck I am off for a raki with my soviet brothers (some that dont even exsist)... oh and to collect the rent as well. kerrching
  18. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    jsut noticed this!!! :lol:

    Why do they travel halfway across the world to get here then? its becasue our beneift system CAN be raped to high heaven. Even the left wing press agree this is case.

    Unbeleiveable!! i am chuckling all the way to bed here!! you guys you guys
  19. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Best Places To Get Laid Off
    No matter where you are, losing your job is never a good thing, but there's no question that some places have better unemployment benefits than others.

    There are countries that will pay you up to 90 percent of your previous salary. Beyond the actual unemployment check, there are other benefits, such as generous severance-pay requirements, a large windows of time for

    Who do you reckon is number 1

  20. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    It is Luxembourg!!!! Which is not surprising considering no fucker lives there & some of the UKs leading tax avoidance companies such as Voadafone pump millions of their profits through there so they pay Luxembourg business tax rates which are around the lowest in Europe but for a country that is so small & no one lives there bar tax men/bankers/shit footballers it is a winner for the fuckers.

    Found this funny on Wiki "Concern about Luxembourg's banking secrecy laws, and its reputation as a tax haven, led in April 2009 to it being added to a "grey list" of nations with questionable banking arrangements by theG20. Luxembourg adapted some months later the OECD standards on exchange of information and moved into the category of 'Jurisdictions that have substantially implemented the internationally agreed tax standard.'[22][23] In March 2010, the Sunday Telegraph reported that most of Kim Jong-Il's $4bn in secret accounts is in Luxembourg bank"
    Conway likes this.

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