Sorry people, my mate at work thought he be a cunny funt and post this while i was out the room...nobber im gonna have to get him back the bastard
i didnt say that dood. i said it is possible to fall in love with a minger cos you like there personality. But the reason you fancy a lass at first is cos you think they're well fit. was that to difficult for your pitiful brain to understand?
Yep tis too difficult. Must be a bit dumb which would explain why i always had a spare sock when pairing 2 socks up.
but not HUAWGE? im not skinny but i certainly aint huge! i like thin girls, but with some lovely curves, and a nice ass too, and nice tits, like these lovely ladies
That post has seen me through today, I opened it this morning and have been looking at all the women on there all day.....makes me sad cause I cant abuse any of them
Come on lads, Blonde or Brunette. I'd have to say the lovely blonde cos I don't go for the J-Lo booty. (And dark birds tend to be a bit........erm, hairy)
yes...those are the shape of women i like...but i dont like their faces. i like women with smaller breast that me who are taller than me. i like chunky men tho. skinny men are poop...i want a belly to rest my head on im sorry...i take that back...this girl is an angel!
well id do her as long as shes over 16 thats fine with me actually...i dont want to do her...i want to b her...y cant i b that thin
I like my men tanned, a little bit of muscle (not too much) tall-ish (always taller than me - isnt that hard) and dark haired (or non in John's case) Mmmmm - the perfect man for me: Geordie! He's my darlin'
i like men who dont fuck you about, waste ure time and break ure heart, might aswell turn fucking lesbian then eh???