B2B or not B2B?!?!?! Anyone agree with me here >>>>>>>>> http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&postid=136407#post136407
Ull kick off with me for this AL but id prefer Hardwick with the finest 2-4 slot on his own After seeing a quality Gatecrasher b2b @ NEC id much prefer to have Hardwick banging them out on his own
But young Geodi_Master methinks you underestimate the power of the Fleming!!!!! Nah seriously mate JOOF is good enough to produce something special alongside Hardwick for say the last hour and if its cos u think Hardwick will probably play the better trance, I would say that you may be wrong there!!!!! JOOF has been around the start of trance as we know it in this country and has never swayed even a little away from the musical genre that we love!!! He loves it even more than any clubber!!!
lmao @ u ally pally! stranger! 00 flemmin can b quality wen hes interacting wiv crowd! i rec he wud b wkd! *wooohhhooooo* aint seen him for while mind! **remembers 00 flemming dropping 'Skydive' @ GK Amnesia last yr** place blew apart!!!! he dies giev a solid set!!!
wouldnt playing back to back make it hard for one of them to mix.... cos one of them wud be facing away from the dex...