student fees protest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chewy, Nov 10, 2010.

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  1. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Rory, I'm always at a loss to understand how you don't think the NWO came up with a conspiracy about global warming so that globalisation could continue unhindered?

    And brid, this clearly doesn't mean that they had a pot of money for the students which they then spent on something else, as you well know!

    That's a fucking good cause. And one that I'd imagine that is less about fighting global warming and more to give developing countries a leg to stand on. Having been severely exploited by us and all that.
  2. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Rossy, absolutely not, BUT its interesting to see just how far removed the needs of a nation are placed, in both the minds of the people it affects, and also by the people in charge.

    We are still financing hospitals in china, since that place is still considered a third world country. Same for other projects in india and the like.

    Our own country goes to rack and ruin, generations of young people continue to be saddled with debt and no decent jobs, and we have crumbling infrastructure and public services ..... all while money flows abroad in massive amounts.

    You'd wonder when the penny would suddenly drop eh. Its nuts.
  3. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    We live fairly comfortable lives. As far as I'm aware, people aren't starving. And we have a decent, free, health service.

    I'd certainly rather that we took it on the chin and helped out developing countries with hospitals/sustainable development projects and the likes.

    Never really understood the vast change in attitude towards foreign aid that seemed to emerge around the time of the Haiti earthquake to be honest - it's interesting to see how peoples values change once they feel their comfort zone has become threatened.
  4. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    its self interest really. People with no money can't but anything so we can't sell them anything. And poverty in the third world is on a level we can't begin to contemplate. We are very rich. Our infrastructure may be crumbling but at least we got one. It's not the aid it's Trident, bonkers health service upheavals, unemployment benefit for the 200,000 about to be thrown out of work and all the rest of it
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    What is essential? and what isnt?

    Higher education starts to get into the realms of 'nice to have' once you start comparing it to projects in africa, aid for crisis hit countries and other things .... should students be smashing shit up and protesting in massive crowds in light of the other things 'our money' (loose term because there is no money, only debt) is being spent on?

    The situation is fucked, because its pretty much impossible in this day and age to publically state that YOUR needs are your primary concern, because the PC brigade are there to shoot you down the moment you complain about anything.

    If it was down to simple accounting, i would say NO windfarms, and keep university fee's free, but make getting into uni the same as it was 10 or so years ago .... Personally i don't believe the youth of today should have the 'right' to study harry potter or david beckham at everyones expense.
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    WE are very poor truth be told. Some people are very rich, and what WE have is alot of 'stuff' (none of it ours) paid for by the past, present and future promises of our labour.

    This wonderful country we walk around in, aint ours. We just live here (fortunately).
  7. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    brid man you can spend £300 on a night of hedonism. So can I but we are not poor tho. is hedonistic excess "stuff"
    I dunno but they is a fuck of a lot of hardworking tryers in the world earning a dollar a day. Have some humility
  8. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I'm with forks - there are far better things that can be cut than international development.

    How about all of the money spent on a set of nuclear weapons that we can't fire with out America's approval? It's not like we'll ever fire them anyways... (hopefully) ;)
  9. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    It's like I was saying the other week - a lot of people aren't necessarily protesting about the student fee's. A lot of people protesting are not even going to be effected by the rise in fees. They are fighting a corrupt system in which distribution of wealth never makes sense.

    And also, sustainable living is quite simply NOT an 'NWO' scheme to make a dystopian planet. I was reading about that Agenda 21 yesterday and I find it extremely ironic, quite frankly fucking ridiculous, that what has always been seen as a utopian concept has been transformed into the exact opposite.

    I found it very disturbing in my little foray into the world of the conspiracy theory that a lot of people who were complaining about 'sheeple' and thought the freemasons were in control of the planet had taken this pro-globalisation bullshit they heard on youtube for granted.
  10. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    'Conspiracy theory' is time and again blended with real facts (unpalateable ones) to make them sound like they are being cooked up and perpetuated by nutbags.

    It aint in the realms of UFO's to see that the middle classes are under constant erosion, and we are being brought down to the same levels as the nations we are investing billions/trillions in having under the same global governance (The UN).

    Sustainable living as agenda 21 puts it, equates to a reduction in people, a reduction in minimum standards, a reduction in all the things we would aspire to have as a middle class. The opposite of that does NOT in my eyes mean mindless destruction of the planet in a oil fuelled, toxic, money grabbing orgy - but i suppose that makes for a wonderful straw man for the masses to twitter about.

    Look into 'hegalian dialectic' which is pretty much the standard way of getting things done these days. Take two completely stupid opposites and pit them up against each other and BANG, you have your mid point that everyone arrives at and goes down. Why else would we have this stupid left v right, muslim v rest of world, hippies v oil barons crap every time you pick up a newspaper or turn on the tv. Its laughably obvious in my eyes.

    Why else would you have people rioting on the streets, a growing underclass, a trillion dollar theft that WE are having to pay for etc etc etc.

    I think its pretty naive to think that all these things are in no way related, linked, or even planned.
  11. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Seems to me like an attempt to smear environmentalism from what I've read so far. Probably not by freemasons, mind, just conservative americans by the looks of things.

    Perhaps you should look up The Limits to Growth. It's unfortunate, but as the human population continues to multiply exponentially, then some kind of population control is going to have to be introduced eventually. Either that, or the population will be controlled naturally, which could lead to quite a bleak period in human history. One that eventually, people will realise they simply have to take measures to avoid. Mainly once they realise it's them and not their grandchildren who will have to deal with all their shit.

    We live on a planet of finite resources and we will begin to reach our maximum carrying capacity eventually. Yes, nobody gives a fuck just now and they don't want to sacrifice "all the things we would aspire to have as a middle class". It's a bit like the windmill/hospitals thing. Material wealth Vs. human interests. Human interests don't stand a fucking chance against what people believe they're entitled to in the western world.

    And that's why I don't think there are freemasons running the world. Yes governments collaborate and do some shady things, that's absolutely obvious. I don't think there is any need to bring the new world order into the equation though. In my opinion there are memes and thought processes at work far more powerful than a bunch of freemasons, all resulting in a need for greed and power at the detriment of others.

    Powerful people are still people. They are just as susceptible to cultural manipulation as everybody else. I think that the effect of media on a population signifies nothing much more than how malleable and susceptible the human mind is. The new world order is an over-simplified way of describing this, to me. And the product of some very sketchy imaginations.
  12. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    It's obvious that they are related. I think it indicates that infinite growth is not possible on a finite planet. Economic systems are just as complex and prone to disaster as ecological systems. Especially when the two have become so heavily related.

    Hence we need to begin living sustainably. Agenda 21 simply addresses this issue.
  13. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    the people in power are no brighter than anyone else. They are just people who want power. If my main drive was to want power over other people then I'm sure i could get it. Even end up as a dictator if i wanted. Instead I'm driven by a desire to get off my face most of the time, which seems to suffice for me.

    It's not some vast conspiracy or secretive world government, It's simply powerful people following their noses and trying to grab a bigger slice of the pie for themselves.
    They might act in concert with others who are looking for the same things (Blair and Bush) or do secret deals with people to get what they want, but basically they are just people. They aint super geniuses or part of anything other than the clique of the rich and powerful. They have all the same faults and weaknesses as the rest of us. To think them capable of organising something like world government is just silly. It has always been like this.

    The media love to present opposing extremes as it makes good telly and real people get influenced by that to take up extreme positions which they would not ordinarily do, but it's not a conspiracy, it's just the way the world works.

    most graphs in the real world follow a fairly predictable pattern. If anything grows exponentially in the real world then it's usually heading for a downward curve to match it. Population growth is one of those curves. As is water usage, land degradation and natural resource depletion , resistant strains of bacteria are already reducing the power of modern medicine to defeat disease.
    Things can't keep going upwards indefinitely. There will be a correction sooner rather than later I think.
    At that point whether you were middle class or not or whether you think your talents, hard work, special skills or inheritance entitles you to some special dispensation won't really matter. You'll just get chewed up and spat out by mother earth along with all the rest of humankind.
    and a merry xmas to you all

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