2 speaker home cinema system - recommendations?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Nass, Jul 20, 2010.

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  1. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    2 speaker home cinema system - recommendations?

    DVD player if possible
    USB port for music
    clear audio for TV and music..

    mother is looking - do you have any recommendations?
  2. 1615634792921.png

    STATIC Registered User

    Aug 20, 2006
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    In The Matrix
    I'd do it as a separates system in my opinion. That way it doubles up for other uses and there's some decent deals online if you look hard enough. In my case, I've got a cambridge audio azur 540R amp with two mission bookshelf speakers eitherside of my flat-sceen on spiked stands with a very nice tannoy TS-series subwoofer tucked behind. Add yourself a cheap-ish HD dvd or blueray player and you're all sorted :)
  4. Aaron!

    Aaron! Coming soon...

    Jun 6, 2005
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    It's pointless going the seperates route if it's just for tv and music, you could get a 5.1 system and just use the front speakers.

    By the time you have paid for an amp a dvd player and some speakers it will cost more than a 5.1 set up and unless your an audiophile and looking to upgrade the speakers or amp etc in the future it's probably pointless.

    If your wanting a blu ray system then http://www.richersounds.com/product/1-box-home-cinema-systems/samsung/htbd1220/sams-htbd1220r

    Or just a dvd all in one system this would be all you need http://www.richersounds.com/product/1-box-home-cinema-systems/lg/ht305su/lg-ht305su

    If you were going the sperated route theres some good entry level stuff in richer sounds but you could get some decent second hand speakers or a reciever on AV Forums.

    http://www.richersounds.com/product/av-receivers/yamaha/rxv365/yama-rxv365-blk Decent entry level AV Reciever that's cheap and tie it in with a speaker package. http://www.richersounds.com/product/speaker-packages/yamaha/nsp280/yama-nsp280-blk

    It all depends on how much your wanting to pay, how much use it will get, what equipment you want it for.

    I got a Sony all in one system about a year and a half ago that's served me well i just wish i had gone down the seperates route as at the time of buying it i only needed it for sky and xbox, now i need it for alot more so i'm having to use an optical switch and a hdmi switch as i've got alot more than i had when i got it. If you just wanting something for music/dvd/tv then an all in one 5.1 system will be more than adequate and cheaper.

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