Glade: Gone

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MistaK, May 11, 2010.

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  1. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Being going since the first one some amazing memorys, having a drink with aphex twin and talking about drum machines.

    Seeing Richie hawtin realise the minimal was not working and banging out what he used to play on vinyl for an hour then seeing eating chips back stage and having a chat to him.

    Getting pissed on cocktail for a friends birthday in the pussy parlour.

    The first one where mushrooms where legal.

    Breakdancing badly on stage when bangface first did a night there.

    Getting a shout out the newcastle crew at the end of the last one in the overkill tent.

    Gutted really,.

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