Climate Change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MistaK, Dec 17, 2009.

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  1. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    Climate Change

    Watched this the other night (dont watch if your easily led/panic stricken):

    It's quite a good watch, alot of interesting points raised - and for the most part thought it was brave of the BBC to Air a program that condones MASS national global protest. however a day or two later this appeared:

    I really dont know what to think in regards to where we stand with climate change, with all sources giving different information about what and when massive changes are going to happen. will people actually stop using cars? will oil production be halted? i think the question to this is no - so are we fucked?

    is anyone on here actually doing anything yet to 'save the earth' or is everyone taking the 'well every other cunt's driving so i'm not going to stop either' attitude?

    personally i dont drive and dont have to worry about heating and carbon footprint crack just yet, but it's something to think about - either that or i'm being too easily led by lady gaga and her illuminati counterparts.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Man made climate change based on CO2 is the greatest ever scam EVER to be put upon the people of this planet. Its based on LIES, and pushed by people who want nothing more than to do what other people like them have done for thousands of years - CONTROL THE MASSES.

    It WILL go through, there WILL be a treaty and we will pay for this for decades, if not hundreds and thousands of years. People will see nothing more than increased taxes, and government control under the pretences of 'saving the planet'.

    The moment people realise the likes of Prince Charles and Al Gore actually hate your guts and want less of us around and will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams of a world with a massively reduced population, with them in their private jets and 20 bedroom mansions.... is the moment the human race might get off its knees and start telling its governments what to do, instead of the other way around.

    Still .... this will NEVER happen, because people are now emotionally invested in this idea of 'saving the planet' regardless of what that actually is. We could be told tomorrow that green tomatos, nice and spicy nik naks, the rubbers on the tips of pencils and the salt bag from 'salt and shake' is causing climate change and people would be rioting to demand they are taxed immediately!

    The moment someone rich and powerful starts telling me that i need to have even less of what i have right now, and that i've somehow been a bad little boy living my meagre existance up to this moment - I ignore them.

    Cue tin foil hat and 'the state of your patter is quite frankly embarrassing' comments. Im ready for them!!!! ;)
  4. dano


    Jun 19, 2006
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    So basically someone on the internet told you that man made climate change was the biggest lie ever, well since 9/11 anyway, and you believed them, instead of listening to the vast majority of the world scientific community. We've had a treaty about this since 1997 and are we being taxed and mind controlled? No.

    Ask yourself who benefits most from denial of climate change? Oil companies, energy companies, industrialists, etc etc etc
  5. binston


    May 1, 2008
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    crammy masiv
    Im no expert but my view on it is that basically the world is still coming out of the last ice age so its no suprise that the polar caps are melting and all that shite. Its happened before and it will no doubt happen again Who cares :yawn:
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The climate has always changed, and always will. Britain was like the med in the middle ages. Species will become extinct, and new ones will rise.

    People who want to tax you are telling you the earth is at risk - Ones who dont want to tax you are telling you the science is bunk.

    Who do you listen to? A bunch of lying fucking cunts who have spent their lives murdering millions of innocent people? ..... more fool you if you do.
  7. French William

    French William _________________

    Oct 24, 2005
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    I don't knkow enough about the subject to say whether there is/isn't man-made climate change, but come on, you've got to be taking the piss with this shit?! :lol:
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Yeah i am Willy. Im surprised you fell for it for so long you muppet!

    Now if you'd like to excuse me, i'm off to watch Goldenballs and then scan through the gossip section of the mail, before my afternoon nap.
  9. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    shouldent it be the other way around tho - apparently western governments are heavily dictated by the oil industry. if they are then saying that Climate change is on the verge of spiralling out of our control, isnt that the wrong messege to be giving the public.

    or is that what the uncontrollably paranoid people call 'The Double Bluff'
  10. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    and ITV Viewers/Mail Readers shouldent be trusted, they are part of the Governments brainwashing scam :wink:
  11. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The whole 'people versus the oil barons' idea is laughable. These are the very people INVOLVED in the setting up of this whole thing. Oil companies have their sticky fingers in everything, and the major shareholders in these companies even moreso. It aint some silly football game of the goodies versus the baddies.

    Enron, before they went tits up, spent ages with AL GORE working out how they could provide a carbon credit trading system which will be the whole market that this entire sham will be based on.
  12. chase

    chase Has geet 'S' on chest

    Oct 20, 2003
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    didnt top secret emails that were 'leaked' a few weeks ago state that scientists had been lieing about climate change and that the planet was actually cooling down?


    if it was infact as bad as Al Gore etc are saying wouldnt something drastic have been done by now? e.g at the very least mass producing hydrogen powered cars, where the only output is water vapour? and slowly getting rid of traditional engines all together? am sure that would make a huge difference and there wouldnt be the need to lobby the motorist (at least) with hefty 'green taxes' and congestion charges. (no need for them anyway now... apart from to line the greedy people in charge pockets even further)

    ............not that i know too much about such things :)
  13. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    i watched 'the climate wars' on beeb2 for the past coupla nights

    it is a comprehensive review of the history and present state of knowledge on global warming. It is worth watching if you want an goes into most of the science in a fairly dispassionate way and looks at all the pros and anti's arguments.

    I really think you are way up the wrong tree here Brid. I don't know the truth about this any more than you do but it seems to me that the idea of a conspiracy to control us all based on taxing us more for carbon use is a wild idea. I don't doubt the rich and powerful want more control- that's a given throughout history. but they could find better bogeymen than this to push their agenda. They already have 'terrorists' and they seem to be doing all right with that one. I think it is more true to say that the oil companies, car companies, airline companies, shipping companies who all stand to lose out are actively trying to manipulate public opinion into believing the science is all wrong.It may be all wrong. I don't know neither do you. But I have a boy who will grow up in the world we are bequeathing to his generation and I just KNOW that we can't keep on raping the planet like we are doing without something going very badly wrong in the near future. I'd rather we tried to stop it than wait to find out that you and Jeremy Clarkson turned out to be wrong
  14. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    Was watching stuff the other night on it, again.

    Fuck the whole place I say, I'm sick hearin them all bitching about it on tele.
  15. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Its the perfect emotional trap being used on people. Take the average person who cares for the planet, then invent some cock and bull story about how we need to do xxxxx because xxxxx is going to cause global warming/cooling.

    What ever happened to the looming ice age? Forks, you will be old enough to remember that doozy. Then it was global warming, then when that didnt work out it turned into 'climate change'.

    Hackers showing how UN scientists are actively faking the data to suit the agenda, should be sending off warning sirens around the world. Unfortunately people are too blinkered and jaded to give a toss any more.

    No fucker even knows what a reduction in CO2 is gonna mean for them - its a fluffy idea that armchair ecologists love to demand of others, but the moment carbon taxes are stuck on everything, and you are restricted from having children, selling your house without it meeting ever more restrictive standards, and being unable to move about at will, or heat your home because its 'bad for the planet' .... THEN people will wonder just what the hell they voted for.
  16. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    the planet at the moment is actually going through global cooling, not global warming. [/meteorologist girlfriend]
  17. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    At last!

    It says something when actual scientists opinions are put below those of a bunch of globe trotting elites playing nothing more than a game of politics with peoples lives.
  18. stuwrong

    stuwrong Registered User

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Your vision of the future is a fucking nightmare...Not being allowed to have kids, not allowed to heat your home, uable to move about at will, no alcohol, the illuminati controlling peoples minds through pop songs. You ever thought about laying off the gear?
  19. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing

    go back to sleep son.

    Tell me. can you go into town tomorrow and take some photos of the tyne bridge and some local landmarks for me. and the metro centre while your at it. China already has a 'one child' policy and we are continually told about overpopulation - what do you think is coming next? When pay by the mile car charges come in, how much do you think those are gonna cost?

    Have you ever read about the UN agenda 21? Can you see any further than the end of next week ? ....... theres something on the news and a discussion point about it. Does anything that dares to go against the official line instantly have to be 'illuminati' ?! :lol: you crack me up.

    Do you even give a toss about whats being discussed, or are you happy to just have your opinions and conclusions given to you by others?
  20. stuwrong

    stuwrong Registered User

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Not really as i dont live in Newcastle and im at work all day, if iv got time il get a photo of the Albert bridge and the Cleveland centre though.

    China is also communist & has about 20% of the worlds population so you can't really compare it to the UK.

    No i might have a read now though. At the moment i can't see past NYE, im fine with that

    Why do you assume that i can't make my own opinions and conclusions?
    I really have no interest in climate change tbh, im more worried about the snow fucking off before tomorrow night so my hair doesnt get wet when im out on the lash
  21. stuwrong

    stuwrong Registered User

    Dec 11, 2007
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