my new track

Discussion in 'Productions' started by Jobbi, Nov 26, 2009.

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  1. Jobbi

    Jobbi Registered User

    Jul 6, 2003
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    my new track

    been busy on ableton again this last week or so n after not really getting anywhere i had a spell of inspiration n came up with this last night...i'm quite pleased with it so far

    anyways here goes...

    constructive criticism n comments would be good!

    cheers :)
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Jobbi

    Jobbi Registered User

    Jul 6, 2003
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    cheers mate :) it's very proggy which is kinda what im aiming for, driving proggy tech house/techno, but i totally agree it needs that something extra to keep it moving

    the more i listen to it the more i feel the key change sounds shit in the second additional synth stab lol, i tried bringing it in earlier so it wasnt so much of a change bringing it in in the breakdown but i still think its sounds a bit shit, im gna have a run thru all the effects iv got to try n change the sound of it, although i like it being the same sound as the initial stab it just doesnt sound right at a different key so want something to make it blend in a bit more with the other elements

    reverbs automating the decay?? i wish i knew what you meant lol, it's very much work in progress at th mo only had ableton for 2 or 3 months so techniques to 'fill' a tune are one of the many things i need to learn, only just started playing with swing to try n do that

    appreciate the feedback mate, any info on automating the decay with reverb would be good will give me something to have a look at :up:

    cheers :)
  4. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Blyth, Northumberland
    really like this dan mate. the hook is lush, the actual synth patch you've used is quality :up:

    something more needs to happen during that breakdown, i feel. get some effects in there possibly, something like a white noise sweep or even a delayed vocal stab?

    apart from that excellent effort! i'll get meself round yours this week sometime, definitely - see if we can't beef this mother up and get it sounding spot on in time for your godskitchen gig ;)
  5. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Blyth, Northumberland
    when he speaks of automating the decay on a reverb effect, what the lad means is having the reverb effect change over time, the decay being the tail of the effect. if you were to apply this technique to something like a snare clap for instance, an example of how it would sound would be something like this:

    clap... clappp... cllaaapppp... ccllllaaaaappppppp...

    i think that illustrates my point. ish. :lol:

    we'll cover it when i come round yours mate!
  6. Jobbi

    Jobbi Registered User

    Jul 6, 2003
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    mate your explanations leave something to be desired :lol: na i know what you mean though

    i've just given the reverb a quick go on the second synth stab as i think it was sounding a bit too 'harsh' and it's getting it a bit more how i want it to be

    will hopefully have a good go at this tonight :up:

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