Gannin straight to graft from the afters

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Willa, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Is he still on here at all?
  2. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    he was last on last night at half seven...

    ... hasn't posted in two months though.
  3. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    what's he called on here?
  4. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Just been reminiscing today at work about some of times i've done this in the past, how i've got away with alot of it is unbelievable...

    One of the best, or worst depending on how you look at it, was a few years ago now after one of the first elements i think, down in Durham. Got back to the afters knowing I had graft at 6 but was already smashed off my lips so thought fuck it, lets push the boat out (no pun intended there BTW). Well after a few more hours of what can only be described as " Conscientcious Illicitness" it dawns on me I need to somehow get to work. Bearing in mind at this time I was labouring in Hebburn shipyards and this party was fucking miles away it defies science how I got there and to this day can not remember at all.

    Well the next thing I can remember is sorting myself out standing brushing this shot up on the bottom deck of this big fuck off ship, at this point I was top to toe in a fucking Boiler suit, steel toes, hard hat and goggles that wouldn't look out of place on Eddie the Eagle. I wasn't sure whether i'd just done a big fuck off line of K and tripping or this was actually what i was doing at 6.30am after a night out. I was still buzzing a bit but then started feeling green as out and decided to get to the front of the ship for some fresh air and a tab, it was like a maze, then I eventually found my way out and sat right at the front for about an hour and sorted myself out, during which time i was drifting in and out of that "wired" feeling and at one point thinking I was on the titanic :lol:, Good day though.

    It was a Surreal experience to say the least.
  5. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    basic instinct.... ;)
  6. Dragon

    Dragon Sunflower lover

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Bishop Auckland
    When I was working at a homeless hostel I went to work after going to Gods the night before.I was still basking in post-pill glow and spent the night having really deep and meaningful conversations with the residents about them giving up heroin!!

    On another occasion I randomly decided to go to Nu- Crasher in Sheffield one Tuesday night. Got the train back to Durham,arrived back at about 7.30am and had a 9am lecture. Had to go home at lunchtime with an "upset stomach"

    No way could I do anything like that now, working in social work! I can't even go out on a Saturday if I'm in court or at a conference the following Mon/ Tues as I couldn't do it with a comedown!! :(

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