CapQuest Debt Recovery Scam!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smigs, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess
    CapQuest Debt Recovery Scam!

    Just incase anybody has had this crap sent through the post which I susspect will happen sooner or later. Got a letter off these jokers saying I had to pay them £388.96 due to them buying the debt off HsBc (retail) but with the court costs and solicitors fees came to £468.73.

    Ok now I did have a bank account with HSBC (yes thats all in capitals, unlike what they had typed) many years ago but as far as I was aware had a 0 balance as it had'nt been used in over 10 years. The debt was supposed to be from an account set up in 1999. I went to the bank and spoke to the manager, and guess what? everything was ok. I had nothing in the account, I owed them nothing and was told to forget it.

    I contacted the police about it mainly to make them aware of it as I know elderly people would probably fall for this. Theres websites up and running, real tel numbers etc an the letters are done in away as to frighten people into paying over the phone straight away or by card etc as not incur further daily charges.

    Anyway that was that untill 1 week later anothr letter arrived. I phoned the tards up at this pointletting them know what I thought of them and that I had checked with the bank and informed the police. They said I had to write a letter of complaint and they would put the account on hold for 2 weeks untill it was sorted out.

    2 days later another letter arrives. This time they say they would rather me pay the debt off and as an incentive very kindly set up a direct debit so I can pay it off in small amounts and for each payment they would credit my account to the value of 30% of the payment. ie I pay £50 per whatever and they give me £15. Saving me a total of around £116.73 of which I dont f**king owe them in the first place!

    I also found a scooby forum where theres a few peoplehad these letters from the same company but say there debts have been bought from other banks and businesses. Theres some good advice on debt being Statute Barred and can become absolved from paying it (if you owe it).

    If you have elderly relatives etc let them know. Its a very elaberate scam seeing as everything works ie phone numbers, fax numbers, websites etc but when you look at the letters you can tell its bull. ie no proper signitures, signed by the company name (H Legal)

    H.L.Legal is the first letter I got which is a proper legal service but when I gave them the ref number they said it was not on there system! CapQuest said that they had appointed H L Legal solicitors to deal with this matter.

    There was no address or number for H L Legal anywhere on the letter, but like I said elderly or vunerable people could easily fall for this. Its probably the best looking scam I've seen so far.
    :fart: :mrt:
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  3. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess

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