A rough draft of my first ever, properly done, track

Discussion in 'Productions' started by Anth_SureFire, Sep 9, 2009.

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  1. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Blyth, Northumberland
    A rough draft of my first ever, properly done, track

    Still a work in progress, looking to flesh out the bones as time goes on. If deep house is your pleasure then check it out and let me know what you think please!

    Constructive criticism welcome, praise encouraged :D !

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Blyth, Northumberland
    Cheers man, really appreciate ur comments! I had a little bit of prior studio knowledge from a music production course i did a couple of years back but I've only knuckled down recently. I bought a built-to-spec pc in April along with a midi controller keyboard and got copies of reason 4 and ableton live 7. Been ploughing away since and this is me first 'finished' track :)
    Posted via Mobile Device
  4. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    This is quality mate, really nice groove to it. Really good job with the arrangement, the mini breakdowns and changes in percussion keep it interesting and stop it from becoming repetitive, something that i know i struggle with on my own tracks though you have done a good job of it here.

    Particularly like the top end percussion that comes in around 1.35, though theres lots of other wicked elements as well. :)
  5. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Blyth, Northumberland
    ah you're a kind gent :D haha thanks very much bud, glad u liked it! i struggle with the arrangement meself mate, the majority of me time is actually spent on arranging which sounds come in where etc. am hardly in a position to be offerin advice seein as am such a 'noob' to this crack, but if i cud it wud be to just sit and experiment! for ages! til it becomes borderline boring! cos that's what i did haha and it seems to have worked out canny :D
  6. Michael

    Michael Registered User

    Jul 14, 2003
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    nice groove in the intro. love the pad stab sound that creeps in around the 40sec mark. the vocal stabs sound quality, would drop the delay off slightly on he vox parts but thats just personal preference. track chuggs along very nicely. really like the arrangement also. not a lot id change really, maybe try tailing more of the low end off the pad/synth stab part as it seems to slightly clash with the sub bass only noticible on the outro. would poss use a tad more compression on the kick to lift it in the mix slightly but thats probs just personal preference also.

    other than that its god the makings of a really good track, looking forward to hearing the finished article. keep up the good work!!
  7. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Blyth, Northumberland
    thanks for the feedback man, i've taken your ideas on board and i've since revisited the track.

    have reduced the delay on the vox, but after trying a few things out i've only ended up doing this slightly..! also i've boosted the kick slightly in the mix as well. i'm quite proud of how the kick sits in with the bass actually, i layered 3 kick drums to get that sound and after a bit of side-chain compression, wallah!

    still not mastered but i have extended the track so it has a full outro now. if you can be bothered to listen again and you feel it might benefit from any other tweaks then please share your thoughts :) same goes for anyone!

  8. Anth_SureFire

    Anth_SureFire The rhythm, the rebel

    Jul 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Blyth, Northumberland
    aye i feared the sound wouldn't be right on proper speakers, i've mixed this all down whilst listening through headphones (read: CRAP headphones) so i knew the levels wouldn't be the way i wanted them. i'm getting my hands on some monitors very soon though so once i've got those set up i'll be sure to fix any problems..!

    what you said about the track being able to breathe; even when listening through headphones i can tell it's all a bit muddy sounding so i'll be looking to create some 'space' in the mix also... cheers for the heads up anyway!! i'll be sure to sort you out with a copy also :D
  9. Lamb

    Lamb Registered User

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Searching for the new sound!
    Love this mate! for the short time youve done it for, its spot on.
    I agree with what people have said.
    If youve got one, get a frequency analyzer on each track, and find the prominant parts of each channel. Any of your hats should be cut off from 5k.
    Your bass is well low, so you can take a fairly sharp cut off at about 600hz, depending on what the analyzer shows. Try and pull the resontating parts of your synths down by about 1 db, which will allow you to raise the overall volume more. I personally like the low end of the pad stab. If you just compare it with the bass you will get a nice comparison.
    Also if youve got one, try you some type of enhancer on your hats to give a bit more sparkle.
    Give your kick a bit of compression, or maybe a small amount of sidechain on the bass. The kick will come through nicely and groove with the percussion side chain well. Just a thought though.
    Give it a bit compression over the whole track, with some eq and see what it sounds like then.
    Keep going mate, itll sound great!:cool2:

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