the Illuminati

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DN HY, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Specimens 10mm in diameter & 60mm in legnth were used in this test.

    Do I just times by the size or the steel trusses used in the TT's or would it be a completely different equation or testing procedure?
  2. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Similiar damage on 2 identical towers with pretty much identical structures would generally fail in a similiar way, and are you talking about the hotel which was brought down from the falling towers as the 3rd building?

    Also as I said I am not getting in to the debate of who did it or anything just trying to put some facts forward on the actual structural side of it.
  3. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
  4. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No the effect of temperature on the yield/proof stress has nothing to do with cross sectional area in this case, basically the material is effected by heat, if the steel is heated to the right temperature then it will, the specimens are there to show that a standard has been used.
  5. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Even worse on building 7 though eh. A building supposedly hit from the SIDE merely by debris and then collapses in exactly the same manner.
  7. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Nah im on about WTC7 which was also rasied to the ground in the exact same manner & similar speed as the Twin Towers after being hit by nothing other than debris.
    Edit: And it's collapse reported live on BBC whilst the building was there for the whole world to see still standing in the background... 20 minutes later, guess what.
  8. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Never looked at that in any detail so can't really comment on structure etc.

    Back to the tin foil hats I think.
  9. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    get a piece of steel wire. hold it over the gas ring. watch it bend. no jet fuel- just a gas ring.
    I've said this so many times now but conspiracy theorists will not listen to anything that contradicts their 'facts'
    the steel DID NOT HAVE TO MELT
    it only had to deform enough to fail as a structural member.

    The Channel 4 documentary on the nature of the twin towers structure showed quite clearly and simply how the structure would collapse if that happened.
    I can't remember every detail ( even I'm not that obsessive) but basically the twin towers used a novel form of construction using an outside steel shell with lightweight floor decks suspended inside it.
    When the steel in one floor got hot enough to bend it collapsed the shell inwards and all the floors above the burning ones collapsed on top of it since there was now nothing holding them up.
    This meant that the next floors down were hit by the colossal weight of the ones above and were smashed downwards in a chain reaction one after the other.
    The weight was acting straight down and in the absence of any other forces it continued to go straight down till it hit the ground within the footprint.

    Now that seems a lot more real than some massive conspiracy

    And I still have to hear a convincing reason for the towers to be conspired to the ground. who gained?
    considering the massive blow to Americas prestige it seems unlikely to be them.

    I know lets invent a bunch of shadowy figures who orchestrated it all then trawl through the accounts picking up every 'fact' that can fit this theory and ignoring every one that doesn't. That way we can show ourselves to be in the know and nobody's patsy.

    why the fuck you can't just look at the world and realise the rich and powerful don't need to do this shit. They are already in total control as it is. They can do what the fuck they like already. get angry about that if you want to get angry about something
  10. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Anyone tried this?

  11. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    How many steel rings/gurders are fire tested to the same of those used in the World Trade Centres? totally different types surely?

    I think your taking how some feel MASSIVELY out of context. Im not sure how many times I need to tell you but (personally) Im no conspiracy buff. I've taken what the official version has put to us & compared it to those from the truth movement. Now these folk aren't spotty kids sat in a bedroom smoking weed inventing stories how the Twin Towers fell, there a mixture of Cirtified Architects, Scientists, Professors, Public Figures, Ex-Armed Forces, Fire Fighters etc.. etc...
    Whilst I can kind of be swung into the direction of the 'pancake effect' & the fact that the TT's collapsed due to steel giving way under fire, what I have trouble believing is the fact that:

    - 19 Arab Hijackers set out with Box cutters & knives to defeat the worlds most sophisticated & intelligent security system to crash planes into the Pentagon & 2 buildings in Manhatten causing 3 of them to collapse at free fall speed in perfect symmetry for the 1st time in Architectural history.

    - 6 of these apparent Hijackers turned up days later in the Press alive & well after being reported dead.

    - 1 Arab Hijacker could barely fly a piper cub & was denied access to hire a small plane for the weekend from Arizona Airfield where he'd been taking lessons, stating later on record that they felt he wasn't capable of being in the air alone... yet flew a mind boggling trijectory to crash an Airliner into the Pentagon.

    - 1 Arabs luggage was held at the Airport after becoming suspicious where they found a will & a copy of the Koran (why would you take a will on board a flight you were going to fly into a building?)

    - A passport was found in near perfect condition at ground zero after ejecting from the plane upon being flown into the Twin Towers that were pulverized to the ground due to fire?

    - The FBI have no information on thier website where Osma Bin Laden is on their most wanted list openly admitting they simply dont have enough evidence to connect him with the 9/11 terror attacks.

    - Days after 9/11 Osma Bin Laden even agreed via a video link to be extradited & the Taliban would hand him over if they could present evidence that he was responsible for the attacks.

    - Millions of pounds worth of 'Put Options' were placed days before 9/11 on the Americans Airlines flights that subsequently crashed... they were never ever investigated, a huge crime in itself that was dwarfed & sept under the carpet due to the scale of 9/11.

    - The steel from the TT's were shipped away to China pretty much immediately to be melted down. Why is this when everything within ground zero is a crime scene & surely would have had to have Forensic/Ballistic reports conducted?

    The list can quite easily go on...

    There was a poll just recently that showed over 50% of the American population now believe 9/11 was an inside job. I mean fuck me man, were not talking about 1 or 2 lunatics like me & Brid... HALF THE AMERICAN POPULATION.
    But Suppose all these Scholars, Lawyers, Cirtified Architects, Scientists, Fire Fighters, Public Figures & Half the American population are all deluded/wacko's with nothing else better to do than distort & discredit everything the Government has put to us about 9/11 eh?
  12. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    epic burn :up:
  13. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    a similar amount also believe aleins have visted us, the the JFK film by oliver stone is a factual documentary AND that evolution is made up, dinosaurs only lived 7000 years ago and carbon dating is wrong. they pick and choose bits of the bible to hold up as evidence, the bits that prove their story - just like conspiracists.

    they end up watching unfounded , unregulated false accusations with no way of knowing that watch their watching is truth or lies
  14. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    The above is also the reason why the car bomb in the carpark at the world trade centre failed to cause any serious damage to the building (a couple of years before 9/11). The way the building was designed meant it still stood when others might have been destabilized.

    The whole point of that attack was to destroy the north tower, sending it crashing into the south tower and taking that out with it.


    There are a lot of unanswered questions about the attack, but I doubt it points to an organised conspiracy to stage an attack.

    Here's one for the conspiracy kids too:
  15. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Well its an argument that can go on and on and on and on forever - and at the end of the day its just opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.

    I will say though, is that its been a LONNNNNG fucking time since any mainstream media programme or news source did anything other than toe the official government line on any issue.

    Even if you DONT believe in what people like me, proudy and rory do, i'm sure you would at least believe we have the right to believe in what we want, and NOT to be branded as extremists, terrorists or whatever.

    Also, that as a clubbing forum, we have to all agree that we are part of a community that disregards the 'official' story when it comes to alot of supposedly' 'illegal' things that we are told are going to kill us or are otherwise bad (or support terrorism).

    It would be a sad day when we were afraid to even venture an opposing opinion on anything eh.
  16. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    everybody is entitled to an opinion sure thing. It's just that your opinion is wrong:wink:

    oh and someone tell me why the cia or the Illuminati or the da vinci codists or the freemasons did it? I keep asking. It must have been a right fuck on getting these tings to disobey the laws of physics and land in their own footprint an all that. must have taken loads of work
  17. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    tbf forks i thought you would have been on the other side of this argument :wink:

    to a point thats why i dont really like watching the TV that much, i think that it's there just to lead the public to a certain way of thinking - this goes even more with the press.

    it's quite obvious that the government has some kind of lean on the press and definately the BBC in general, however i think the expenses slip from the telegraph might of actually been true sneaky journalism as a whole, but then who's to say that wasnt orchestrated in some shape or form?*

    at the end of the day the MPs/Government can control what they want, even though there might even be a higher force watching over the rulers. clingfilm reinforced tinfoil cap firmly on there.*

    There's the worst news that a recession is becoming even worse and NEE fuckers got a job, gordon brown's going down the pan faster than a shite on a slide, and suddenly government decides to dissolve due to a leak with MP expenses? sounds like an exit strategy to me.

    i fucking hate the way government works anyway. a bunch of overpaid twats arguing in a room for very little change, if not bugger all change and a massive debt at the end of it.

    *A tad extreme however i'd rather interest myself in what could be, rather than what's actually spoonfed to me through either government funded BBC, or murdoch's empire. not to mention the press where every paper seems to have the same owner somewhere down the line..... newscorp owns the news of the world, the sun, the times, a load of things in america including the new york post and in turn newscorp owns News international which is basically sky, and murdoch runs the lot of them. the cunt. DMGT (the Daily Mail and Genreal Trust Group) run the Mail and few other things and the metro paper - the metro paper being fucking massive nationally, and indirectly funded by murdoch also - the gaurdian in my eyes is the only really notable paper, however even then it has no power agaisnt the tabloid.**

    ** Preparing tinfoil suit.
  18. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    didnt even get a reply from anyone but imagine how i felt when i was sent this by a amercian the week after 9/11
  19. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    dana scuttle and fucks mulder ?! :lol:

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