Its house music innit? all of his stuff i've listened to is- Shindig is a house night- they book house dj's as far as 'following' other nights is concerned- get a grip- most of the nights you've mentioned were probably inspired by shindig in no small way as pretty much anyone who's into house music around here has been
Exactly Its a bit of a daft comment above like, Shindig have booked for a long time DJ's such as Steve Bug, Dan Ghenacia, Spencer Parker, Radioslave etc etc alongside more 'traditional' house DJ's. Its a weekly night so obviously needs a bit of variation in its bookings to get the numbers in every week, and its all different forms of house music after all...
when did we book people like Nick Curly?.... erm... well he falls into the same bracket as far as im concerned as Jesse Rose or Marc Romboy when we first put them, not to mention TigersStripes, Will Saul, Jimpster, Ripperton, Motorcitysoul and Shlomi Aber... (thats just 2009) or Audiofly etc... not sure what your getting at but youve clearly missed what were are now doing with the new Room these types of lesser know dj's/producers space to create a separate vibe rather than having them playing alongside bigger guests in the main room) if its simply music you mean well Nick Curly is certainly not just Techno..(id say its house but we won't go there ) plus when was Shindig limited to not having "Techno" on? im sure you'll agree he is in no different genre to previous guests above or Steve Bug, Shlimi Aber etc ... if its profile /popularity of Nick Curly your mean ill point you back to this thread...
just a personal opinion. i wasnt expecting such a defensive response my point was that in my eyes nick curly falls in the same bracket as markus fix, reboot, seth troxler, christian brukhardt, seuil, mara trax, kreon, johnny D which is a sound shindig have never really had on. I woudlnt put the djs above the same bracket as jimpster, tiger stripes, motorcitysoul. but again that just a personal opinion