Jamie Bracken - WIP alright guys, Heres a little clip for ya. hope ya like it http://www.sendspace.com/file/mbu3n6
sounding good mate. The kick is very bass heavy (I am listening to it in headphones mind), and it drowns the bass a bit. If it isnt a sample i would use a multiband comp, with light compression and bring the top end out more. Use some eq to cut out the bass. Try a thin Q/res and bring the volumedown around 100hz and move up and down till you find the frequency that has the most bass. I like to cut just under 200, around 150 (even though 200 is where the punch is) then you can rase the volume a bit more. Suppose it depends on the sound of kick you going for really. Its got alot of potential, i like it. Keep at it. Ooo yeah. Take out more of the bottom end on your high hat, and it could be a bit sharper. try using a gate. Than again its down to the sound your going for. Nice one jamie
nice one lamby!! aye mate i totally agree with ya, the kick is heavy due to multi band compression settings i have set, i was mixing it on headphones last night that arent too bass responsive. I had a listen in my car today and it does drown out the bass. That sample has a bit of a scratchy top end to it so imight layer something else over the top. yeh the hats need a bit more sparkle dont they, il probably use some different ones once ive had a chance to really work out the way the track is going to sound and develop. Im jus hoping i dont spoil it now haha
have a listen to alex koss - sunset (i think thats the track im thinking of, and alexo - 1st sector. You mite get some canny ideas from them.