Credit crunch sucks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jam'e'tron, Jan 20, 2009.

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  1. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    I thought you were a narrow minded prick, youve just proved it

    Very little work eh?.....I own my own recruitment agency, have worked in the industry for 10 years before setting up (2 years ago), and even now Im working an average of 50 hours per week just to make sure it survives.

    I carry the risk that should my company go bust, then my house and all personal finances are fucked. Could lose everything, and for someone who is married and has two children under the age of 3, thats one big risk.

    Clients place vacancies with me, and come 4.30pm I dont just clock out and go home, I work till whatever time it takes (10.30pm last Thursday for one example) to fill that vacancy and fullfill my clients needs.

    So many people RELY on agencies to get them work. We have access to literally 1000s of contacts in any particular area, contacts that you the individual would take months, if not years, to get.

    A client of mine announced 200 redundancies before christmas, and so far, I have found jobs, both temporary and permanent, for over 50 of them. 50 men / women who can continue to provide for their families, so why the fuck shouldnt I be paid for doing this?

    Candidates approach me either looking for me to find work for them, or to show an interest in a vacancy I have advertised (Im currently spending around £3k per month on advertising). They tell me what money they want to earn, so I then cover my costs and put a little profit on top, making sure the individual doesnt lose anything at all, but indeed the client pays for my services.

    Every company aims to make money, regardless of what industry they operate within.

    I have a Ltd Co Reg number, not a Charity Reg No.

    I think Ive made my point, now fuck off back to finding music videos
  2. danny_m

    danny_m Papa Toon

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Tyneside's answer to Harlem
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The whole Rob Brown thing stopped being funny quite a while back now.....
  3. Vance

    Vance >>>>

    Jan 21, 2007
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    The Bay
    Was that Sitel by any chance?
  4. LeeTheMackem

    LeeTheMackem Lets Cacky Tash Him

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Which company do you work for mate?Has it been mass redundancies or just a few?
  5. crasher_chick

    crasher_chick I .....

    Feb 6, 2003
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    Liverpool, with Geordie roots!!
    I worked as a supply teacher before getting my permanent teaching job, the agencies I worked for charged the school £165 per day, of that I got £90...thats £75 sheer profit!! They also charged my last school £2,000 for employing me on a permanent contract as they ''found me''.

    It outstands me why companies use agency staff to be fair, my partner got made redundant in Oct and has been working for an agency since then for one of the emergency holiday pay, sick pay...surley its most cost effective for them to employ him on a temporary contract?

    Agencies are not the reason for the unemployment levels at the miniute. In fact they are probably helping!
  6. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    People get confused when they work through Agencies, they hear of the rates Agencies charge employers & assume thats what they should actually be getting, incorrect. It's whats charged to the employer for sourcing a candidate.
  7. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    Were you PAYE? If so, add 22% (Tax, Ers NI, etc) to your pay rate before the agency even covers cost, never mind makes profit. That alone is £109.80. They then may have to factor their invoices as the majority of us do, that averages at about 3% of the gross, in your case your charge rate is £165.00 plus 15% VAT of £24.75 equals £189.75 that they have to pay to be funded. 3% of that is the £5.69 factoring charge.

    Total that up....
    - Pay rate £90.00
    - PAYE costs £19.80
    - Factoring £5.69
    TOTAL £115.49

    Profit from charging £165.00 is £49.51. This £49.51 has to cover everything else, staff costs, office rent and rates, telephones, vehicles, print work, legal fees, advertising, plus many many more (I know, I pay them lol).

    This also justifies why we charge a fee if they want to take you permanent, as we can no longer make a weekly margin from the person who in most cases, found us from advertising which costs a few few quid.

    Im not being arsey in this reply, just trying to explain why we HAVE to operate as we do :D
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Recruitment agents make some cushy money ... but i suppose it beats having to go looking for a job yourself.

    Its one of those industries where you get some absolute and total knob jockeys who ruin the image for the pukka ones .... but there are some good ones out there.

    My agent has made a small fortune off me .... 75 quid a day for 14 months for placing me in a job which took them all of about 3 days and a few phone calls.
  9. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    I know loads of people slate them but in 10 years of working I've never been put into a shit job or been mugged over by any of them. I wouldnt have had any of the jobs Ive had over the last 3 years without them.

    I guess if you let them do you over then they will but thats life.
  10. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I disagree.

    Whilst some agencies are absolute cowboys, there are some out there who are very good at what they do. Just like everything in life.

    It's a service no different from letting agencies, who put landlords and tenants in touch with each other.

    I've had two very different experiences with agencies....

    My position at EDS was under secondment via Kellys, and that was absolutely appalling. They sold it to people on the promise that you'd get an EDS contract and become a permanent employee within 12 months. 2 years later, noone who joined with my group or after has been given a contract. They treat their temps like shit and let EDS walk all over them, and pay them far less than the perms. Kelly's had a cannon-fodder mentality on that account, that if you left, someone could easily be found to take your place, and treated you as such.

    I was recruited for my current position by a firm in London called Claremont. They were great, really helpful in giving me pointers about my CV and career choices, and helped me get an interview with BTGS. I think of them very highly and would recommend them to anyone.

    Some are good, some are bad. All serve a purpose in helping employees find jobs, and helping companies find staff. To write them all off as money grabbing and rubbish is a bit foolish.
  11. crasher_chick

    crasher_chick I .....

    Feb 6, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Liverpool, with Geordie roots!!

    Hahah, I know :)

    Still seems like they are making loadsa £££'s though, without any true benefits of a real employee.
  12. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    Your 'Kellys' situation is one of the main reasoning of me setting up for myself. All my working life, I worked for regionals and it was fantastic. Passion was always there, honesty never comprimised, then for some stupid reason, I took a job with Plc based in Newcastle, and within 6 month, I left! Then set up for myself and never looked back

    Nationals / PLC's look at you simply as a number. Constant pressure no matter what you do for them, treat people like shit, always wanting increase in charge and decrease in pay. Its all a piss take, and its companies like this which make me realise why people have bad ideas of what recruitment agencies are about.

    Im sure some wil say im wrong, but its just my experience
  13. Natalie

    Natalie Registered User

    Apr 4, 2004
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    back to the original subject of being made unemployed, we have had so many customers at wor specifically coming in and asking for unemloyment cover. it used to be something that only people in lower paid/more manual jobs took out, but now council workers, teachers, and people who would ordinarily have never took it out are coming asking for it because noone can be 100% sure they are safe any more, even if youve worked for the same company for years as jametron has shown.

    as i said in a previous post, it's not the answer for everyone but its piece of mind knowing that if you find it hard to get a job at least you know the bills are covered and it can give you a bit of breathing space.

    i took some out last week and got it half price so it only costs £18 per month and it woul dpay out £1100 per month if i was unemployed so for such a small cost (which also includes a bit of life cover) it gives me huge piece of mind
  14. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    I had an interview with them before christmas, they never told me I didn't have the job, but they didn't tell me I had it either, the pricks. :lol:
  15. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I worked for an agency once. I was employed at this place and I told them I was leaving at the end of the week. On me last day this supervisor kicked off at me saying I hadn't gave her enough notice even though they could tell me not to come back anytime they wanted.
  16. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    when I was recruiting in the Oil/Marine/Gas/Petrochemical Industry I was calling guys that were contract workers, they never went on a job for anything less than £800 a day, it was soul destroying speaking to them & negotiating wages.

    My boss however was successfully placing these guys & frequently, the bonus he was getting was stupid.
  17. JIMI

    JIMI Not an Administrator

    Mar 5, 2006
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    either on a messenger of death or a naval base

    im the WORLDS best forklift driver me like, reach and counter balance not that i use them much these days with all me computer work to do
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    Soul destroying? How come .... at the end of the day the agent would be making a cut out of the cost to the client so its all fair in love and business eh ;)

    I suppose its the bosses higher up that are making the massive wedge out of the commissions.
  19. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    When your speaking to people that can work 6 months of the year & earn what you do in just under 3 years id say it is pretty soul destroying....

    I got my basic wage for 6 months before a bonus structure was even phased in regardless of revenue billed, no big bucks for me unfortunately.
  20. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    A similar set up with kellys and us lot:

    We had to give them a months notice if we quit.

    They could give us a days notice that we were finished.

    A bit shit really...

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