I dont think it will either.... but never say never. Money, especially of that description, talks. Career prospects go out the window if your getting offered 500k a week!
Oh yes lol. I'v just been reading that if he goes, he wants about 3 or 4 must abide by clauses in his deal. Stuff like Champs league by 2011, Robihno cant be sold all this kinda shit. Totally stupid
Hmmm interesting. Id love to see the clauses and the extras etc like it will be fucking stupid man with his contract IF he signs never mind the tax on it and flat wage....
its daft man, the money they will spend on one player could buy them a squad of players that could mount a serious challenge for all the big fucking trophies
I dont think the money really matters to people as rich as them £100 is pretty much a drop in the ocean. Its sick really.
Im sure when they payed 32.5 of whatever for robinho they made it back within 24 hours with there businesses.Ifs fuck all to them and eithers the £500'000 a week they willing to pay him