Quantum of Solace

Discussion in 'Films & TV' started by Magpie, Sep 25, 2008.

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  1. Magpie

    Magpie Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Yeha I seen the trailer in the cinema.

    I enjoyed the last James bond a lot more than any others I've seen. Less stupid special effects and more gritty storylines.
  4. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    cant wait. been hammering the trailer for ages now. its only 1hr 40 mins too and the shortest bond yet
  5. MissyC

    MissyC Missy Flowers.............

    Mar 23, 2008
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    Costa del Gatesheeeeeed

    Seen the trailer for this lastnight, OMG :eek: this looks class
    Mr Craig looking good :love:
    Roll on the 31 Oct ...
  6. Andy


    Nov 29, 2006
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    I am well looking forward to QoS.

    Casino Royale I thought was mint and I like the more naturalistic take on Bond that Craig's gone for with the francise much like Dalton did during his tenure.

    I do miss elements though which people call cheesey and say are out of place today such as Q's gadgets. I reckon you can be subtle with shit like that in order to keep it realistic but Bond-esque.

    I also miss Moneypenny (and Blofeld). I hope they bring her back in the third DC effort.

    They just about retained what Bond is in CS with the poker and the martini etc. He just needs to be slightly more womanising and have at least 1-2 cheesey lines for it to be right on the money.

    Brosnan was on the money with Goldeneye and Connery was spot on all the time. Dalton I think I thought was the most credible as a spy/Naval commander though.

    Not a fan of Moore apart from in Live and Let Die and Spy who Loved Me simply because he takes the piss a bit too much.
  7. Hutch

    Hutch \o/\o/ TRANCE \o/\o/

    May 6, 2004
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    South Shields
    Tickets booked for sat cant wait:)
    Also upgraded the full collection from vid to dvd for christmas :D
    Bond = :cool:
  8. ScottofshieldS

    ScottofshieldS Paranoid Android

    Jun 15, 2006
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    The coastal town that they forgot to pull down.
    Watched this last night at work.

    Really enjoyed it. As everyone knows it's a direct sequel to Casino Royale both in content and tone.

    The story itself is engaging and I found myself genuinely interested in discovering more about the sprawling SPECTRE-like international organisation that Bond is slowly uncovering the existence of.

    This is a world that is not black and white, but grey. Quantum themselves, our Government, MI6, The CIA - there are points when it's hard to know who the bad guys really are.

    I'd read that Marc Forster's direction wasn't up to scratch (especially in the action scenes) but i'd disagree. I found all the action set-pieces to to well constructed and excecuted.

    Craig himself is excellent. Brooding yet subtly hurting from the loss of Vespa he is cold and calculating and ruthlessly efficient. But much like in Casion Royale he gets carried away too easily and is not yet in full control of his emotions and therefore himself.

    I really liked how they subtly started introducing some proper state-of-the-art new-school Bond technology. It's not shown much, only in MI6 HQ (their view screens and interfaces, Bonds new phone and how it communicates with MI6 HQ) but I felt it was starting to sew the seeds of introducing more "gadgety" yet still realist technology in future films.

    My only real criticism is the film feels a little front-heavy. There are several (4 if I remember rightly) big action sequences in the first hour, whereas the film calms down in the second. There are characters introduced in the second hour (agent Fields for example) who I think could have done with more character development and been given a bit more room to breathe.

    But that's just a minor flaw, all-in-all it's a worthy addition to the franchise and builds up from the great foundation that was Casino Royale.

  9. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    either going for the staff showing tonight or sunday - as undecided yet!
  10. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    it got some parts spot on and others it just fell on its arse, the plot was gash the villains were weaker than the last by miles, the action sequences were good and the performances were canny and the first half showed promise but the 2nd hald had me checking my watch
  11. tizza2k

    tizza2k Watch this ere.

    Oct 22, 2004
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    not the best recent bond film

    some great action scenes as always and the two chicks in it arew lethal especially the red haired one that dies lol ( sorry )

  12. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I totally loved this. It seemed longer than 1hr40 too. The action was immense altho the camera was a bit irractic sometimes. Daniel Craig is just an unbelieveably hot Bond :love:
  13. Andy


    Nov 29, 2006
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    It was good. Not quite as good as Casino Royale though.


    My beef:

    Wasn't hot on the finale of the first action scene where Bond was attached to ropes and he and the other guy were scrambling for a gun. There was too much going on to follow things and it seemed shot in a very rushed way - the lead in was awesome though when Bond and the other guy crash through the glass dome though.

    Felt very Hong Kong kung fu movie-styley.

    The jumping from roof into balcony bits felt blatantly Bourne-esque.

    Guy playing Dominic Greene pulled off a good creep. But he didn't seem strong enough in presence as a villain to shoulder that mantle for an entire movie - felt like more of a lackey and I was waiting for the 'Boss' to emerge at some point.

    Title sequence stretched a bit too long and they chopped the title track up and mixed it around too much for me.

    Gun barrel sequence at the end.
  14. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    It was a good film, but it felt like the middle of a trilogy ...

    Too much bourne identity style camera work going on, but apparently someone who worked on the bourne films worked on this. We were second row from the front and some of the sequences werent even worth watching cause it was literally impossible to work out what was goin on.

    Bond not cracking off with the leading lady?!?!?!? Lame.

    I enjoyed it, and the time flew, but Casino Royale was miles better.

    Daniel Craig is still the man though - and the new direction for Bond was the right thing to do.
  15. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    good, but not worth the hype. i have been looking forward to this for two years and was slightly dissapointed.

    hi's: the chase through siena and the fist fight with that guy in haiti, even tho it was a bit short. olga kurylenko :love: (what was with the scar on her back ? did we ever find that out ?) good to see more mi6 presence and gadgets (well, the stuff the used in mi6 anyway. the graphics they had reminded me of old habitat skateboard graphics) the whole tosca opera scene, including the look on greenes face when he bumps into bond on the stairs. bonds suits.

    lo's: the plot was weaker than smartprice lager, and was barely touched on. gemma arterton being in no more than 4 scenes. the constant country-hopping. the way bond just dumped mathis in a skip. every scene involving a desert. the way bond left greene to die. the way bond didnt beat vespers bf to death at the end (there should have been a huge fistfight imo). the fact in ended in a wet fart, and the fact the gunbarrel was at the end.

    lets hope the next one is better

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