be unlimited 24mb line installed today and its hurtling down at 18mb, gotta wait a week normally for final stable speed but this fuckers like lightning, its like going from 56k to 2mb when you leave talk talk to go to 'be'. bit dearer like but fucking worth it when you can actually use the fucker when you want instead of getting disconnect every few minutes and your downloads are slower than your uploads
Re: be unlimited Yeah someone recommended this to me i think. I'm thinking about it. My TalkTalk is pretty good though. Max of about 600kb/s down, 35kb/s up. Only shitter is the fact that you have a limit of 40GB per month and for the past few months I've been way over, but they haven't said anything. I think I hit 80GB last month :s
What sites do you's use to clock your speeds? Were meant to be 10MB with Virgin and when i checked it was about 4MB or summit, unless they aint upgraded yet?
I just know what my maximum d/l and upload speed is off using torrents. Speed test websites are iffy at best cos they tend to give a different result each time, and it differs spending on the time of day etc. For me anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that TalkTalk may have limited my account lately :s
talktalk are a joke like, i work in their complaints dept and fuck me, the incompetence of the company as a whole is unreal.
They don't seem to know much about the bandwidth usage. The one time I got a letter was for a month that I'd hardly been home, yet other months i'm using twice as much bandwidth and I don't hear a word.
it differs depending on the contention ratio (how many people in the area are using broadband). I've supposedly got 2mbps down, 768 up, when I run the speed test I get: On the plus side I don't pay a penny for my broadband as I'm a BTGS employee
mine's just over a 1mb download 125 upload, does me tbh and i dont pay for it so i cant argue. plus with my router breaking, i've been using my neighbours net connection (with there permission) until me mother sort's out the ISP etc. and tbf next door's is getting 1mb more than i was with mine, but i'll not let them know i think we're getting that ultrafast unlimited thing as well, but even then i dont think it'll make a difference to me!
I just did the scan on the be unlimited site and they can only offer me 7 meg out of 24 - I'm getting 7 and a half (from a potential 16) for a 10er a month from sky so can't really think about switching, don't know why longbenton's broadband is so slow!!
the north east has the highest broadband speeds in the uk outside of london, with sunderland being the highest of the region. im getting 4.5 meg with tiscali at the moment
only had it a few days so the speeds been up and down, this is probs the slowest its been since i got it put in
i could terrorise the fuckers from my bedroom window its that close, jk probs about 1/3 to 1/2 a mile away