Jetsons Jukebox @ Independent Sunderland. SAT 26 JULY Jetsons Jukebox is now the last Saturday of every month until further notice at Independent, Sunderland. Celebrating this we welcome back Matt Mason from Leeds playing alongside residents Steve Robson, Mike Cooper and Ross Carbutt. Expect an electronic journey through time bringing in elements of disco, house and funk with wonky glicthed up electro, cosmic indie, party techno and some fresh hip hop. Doors open at 10, close at 4. Drinks specials. £3 on the door Big Room - Music for Misfits presents DETROIT SOCIAL CLUB Phatplastic - Chris Brackley ============================ Episode One - Metatrons Cube In early kabbalist scriptures, Metatron supposedly forms the cube from his soul. The Fruit of Life (a component of the Flower of Life) has thirteen circles. If each circle's center is considered a "node", and each node is connected to each other node with a single line, a total of seventy-eight lines are created. Within this cube, many other shapes can be found, including two-dimensionally flattened versions of the five Platonic solids. The true Metatron's Cube will include all five Platonic solids in such a way that the solids, existing in volumetric 3D space, have had their z-coordinates set to zero but their x- and y-coordinates retained, such that they are orthogonally flattened.
You little conspiricy theorist you! Will you be playing 'Super Sharp Shooter' by any chance? :flowers:
Dont even think ive heard it properly but seen people talk about it a million times. Ive been a bit busy for music so trying to narrow stuff to play for the weekend. Im hoping for a bit of bad man dubstep to creep in somewhere.
Is it a remix like or are people just talking about the old one? Ive heard something by zinc briefly but like I say, I have no idea about anything new the last few months Busy conspiring about theories )
Its sacred geometry dude. Science and sacred old hidden knowledge (often in spirituality areas) are coming together faster than ever. The theme is mainly there for the visuals if i ever manage to get it finished in time
Nope. No new fangled remix's. Just the traditional S.S.S. from back in tha day innit! "The S The U The P The E The R,,,,," etc!!