For fans of hard music...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Allie, Oct 22, 2002.

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  1. Wet and Hard

    Wet and Hard Registered User

    Jun 4, 2002
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    The harder the better :D

    Floaty trance is for girls!!!
  2. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    thats what travel lodges are for ;)
  3. norty


    Oct 23, 2002
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    East Sussex
    I gotta say that when LAB4 played Antiworld last I was somewhat dissappointed with them. I've liked them since their squat party days but they've just overstepped that underground/commercial line imo. I'm not talking floaty, cheezy horns or anything but they were difinately an 'act' rather than heartfelt pleasure in what they were doing. The over enthusiastic leaping around and headbangin and moshing was simply taking the piss (especially since they were 'supposed' to be playing synths as a 'live' act - but then very few live acts are - mashing keyboards with whole hand out of time with any lead i could hear) The music was just a noise and inspired a complete lack of emotion in me and many others (other than when's the next act on!)

    But then many others loved em and went mental.

    However promoters (in the south & particularly London anyway - don't know the score up north) need to look elsewhere for new or different acts coz every major night has the same lineup - Lab4, K90, Nuw Idol, Orpheus 2 - week after week, which goes some way to explaining the uprising of good quality, big psy-trance nights coz people are just sick of the regurgitated hard-trance. If it doesn't do something soon it will start to become a dirty word just like Hard House did.
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    hard trance is non existant up here... the hardest it gets is scot project :confused:

    I still rate lab 4, orpheus 2, k90, etc. but then thats probably cos I only get to see them once a year :( :( :( I aint subject to them day in day out....

    I love my hard house but (although a lot more commercial) we have exactly the same problem only a handfull of dj's booked over and over and over (Glazby, Farley, K90. Illogik, etc.) after a while it gets a tad boring...

    Really looking forward to december - with a bit of luck it'll be the best night I've been to all year :D

    Just out of curiosity (other than urself of course ;) ) who would u recommend deffinatly seeing on the 14th?
  5. norty


    Oct 23, 2002
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    East Sussex

    The bloke after me FDA FDA is pretty good. He writes the reviews for Implant magazine and gets stupidly early promos, plays a hard, fast, rolling set (well he did the last time I played with him)

    Unfortunately this clashes with Pablo Garganos set who i'm really liking at the moment coz he's gone a bit old school (old noom releases like 17) If you can get him to leave London he's a good option for a dj booking and his popularity is on the up with the launch of Recover Records and his new night Recoverworld. Takes ya pick depending on whether you want psy or not!

    Then into the techno room to catch the last of Castrillon who is a mate of mine from Brighton who works for Banging Tunes (Superfast Oz's business) shop 'Klik Klik Whirly Beep Beep' and has just been signed to his new techno label. Heard his cd in the summer and it's good, weird, tough and funky. Will be playing a lot of his own new stuff. Unfortunately you'll miss Lab4 if you do this (but imo that's not a bad thing-see previous post)

    Stay in the techno room for Geezer (aka Guy Mcaffer, SuF, Smitten) for an acid fest 'proper' live set.

    Then you've got an hour to look around b4 hitting the main room for a classic Beamish finish.

    Then prob on to Clockwork Prism after party (yet to be decided)

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