Would hate to see you with no replies mate Did not see it but herd shit for brains took this piss out the blind jock. It is shame Grandad leader of the yellows does not get to chip in at anytime. As it seems he does fuck all.
i cringe when i see clips of it, they go on like a bunch of fucking queers, handbags out and basicallyu acting like they probably did back at eton when they were young. proper embarrassing for this county anyone who has to see that
Saw the twats bickering in the commons on the news last night!! I just thought and these bastards are supposed to be running our country?!?! Unreal...
Ahhh im glad someone saw it other than me Absolute classic stuff i thought - we aint seen this in the commons for a long long time! (Other than the occasional spat) ..... sounds like those two are going to be going at each other like dogs for a while now
Saw a rerun yesterday, Brown was monstered! He just lacks that edge when up against flash Cam, he really needs to raise his game and start to rip it back out of flash Cam or he'll just get a flogging each week. The 'master of the despatch box' Tony B would have blasted flash Cam back, but poor old Gordon just bent over took it