Re: Daft Punk Live A-MEN 2 THAT BROTHER was watching channel 4 last night wen they were live at rock ness i nearly cum in my pants i was like i wish i went THERE FUCKING AWESOM
The Pyramid stage is totally jaw dropping. Saw them in 1997 and the visuals were awesome but didnt compare to Saturday. Some massive tunage being knocked out as well.
I heard somehwere that it isnt them under the helmets. Dont suppose it matters that much like. Agreed that the visuals were mindblowing would love to see them live
Re: Re: Daft Punk Live Dom and a few of the other lads went to that and didn't even go to see them He reckons some lass in a Superman costume gave him a massive bump down the front and he got lost in a hole around the stage when the Manics were on.....
I really don't believe for a second that it is not them. Musicians want to play out their music live. It is gratification that artists cannot get from releasing cds, and it is not as if they are the type of band who have done countless tours. Far from it. I really don't think they would want to miss tens of thousands of people absolutley loving their music live.
Suppose when you put it like that. But didnt one of them have tinnitus (sp?) which is uncurable, that would explain why they would do that to make the cash and still have thier music played out to thousands of people without damaging his hearing further. Just a thought. Im not sure either way but as I say it wouldnt really bother me either way
I still go on about seeing them at Global last year. The highlight of my short clubbing career by far. As you say, visuals were outstanding, the way they dropping the tunes in.
thats why they have only done a few live shows in the last few years... an i'm sure with the money they get from the shows he can afford some pretty good hearing protection...
it would be like I liked Around the world but i cant say that i've heard anything else they've done. Shame!!!!!
Sunday in Leeds was good but it was too light. Last Thursday in Paris they were absolutely amazing, easily the best live act I've ever seen.
PLEASE VACATE THE TRANCE DIMENSION IMMEDIATELY AND LISTEN TO THESE TRACKS Burnin Revolution 909 Teachers Oh Yeah Aerodynamic Harder Better Faster Stronger Crescendolls Voyager Televisions Rules The Nation Make Love Prime Time Of Your Life and their remix of Scott Grooves there are shit loads more but those lot are probably the most accessable
it's the type of band where u kbnow all their tracks but just don't realise how much GOOD stuff they've actually done.. "oohhhhh THATS who they are!"