Groove Armada Groove Armada play the Carling Academy tomorrow night and not only will they be playing live in Academy 1 but there is a cheeky little after party going on in Academy 2 with a Groove Armada DJ set plus support from Wax:On resident TC Monckton. Entry to the afterparty is free with a ticket to the main gig.
are they really going to dothe afters then ... im going and wouldnt mind seeing them do a dj set aint seen them for ages
Thought this had sold out... Just bought a couple of tickets. Anyone know who is supporting? Also, what time do the midwek gigs normally finish at the Academy?
just watched their big weekend set superstylin is class like, mint bassline, shame they never played their new one
Aye was quality last night! the visuals/effects were amazing @ Mr stone were you the one outside at the end & I quote: "Iv'e get around" HaHa