if you want to get really infuriated listen to John Humphreys on Radio4's 'On the Ropes' interview with Professor Nutt which went out this morning at 9.
aye, and this is interesting too, political spin wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyBcqPwuQE8&feature=player_embedded#at=75
i honestly can't remember A) How i found that or, B) Watching at all. Christ, when i'm pissed i turn into a right Tinfoil fancier, it is still rather interesting. however with the radio interview, i think the interviewer himself was so spun up with his own opinions that a balanced and fair argument could not of been had. it's a shame since Nutt sounds like he's on the right track.
Not really, Humphries is renowned for being abrasive and giving people a really hard time regardless of their opinion or alignment. To me, it makes Nutt's point far more convincing as he has a decent answer to pretty much all of the questions he was asked. It sounded far better than if he'd been given an easy ride of it, or if he didn't have answers to some of the more probing questions...