Anyone else think this is being blown out of proportion? Fair enough miss MNF last night but people are now calling for them to be sacked??!!! At the end of the day its their opinion, and im sure 99% of males share the same small minded opinion as them. However, Sian Massey has had the last laugh as her decision was 100% right which just makes them look like twats !!
I want them burned at the stake because they're a pair of irretrievably dull useless twats who ruin every game they do the commentary on. I'd settle for sacking though tbh.
haha unlucky lads, bit of advise, next time make sure your mics are turned off and you wont get leaked
My only problem with this is that they talked in such clichéd tones, apart from that, I couldn't give a fuck.
Haha. Blown all out of proportion by the Daily Mail like, but hes a cunt anyway so im glad hes been sacked.
Sexism in football has always been a bit of a Gray area. In all seriousness, isn't there something a bit fishy about this, with the whole court case-phone bugging-Murdoch thing? Rory?
Keys' gone now, I'll miss him a bit, I'll not miss Andy Gray like, I might miss his giant ipad a bit though hew!
They seemed to be extra nice from what I heard of them this morning on talksport. Sure wont last for long on the no-holds-barred station, where other renegades like Russsel Brand, Stan Collymore and George Galloway air
You obviously dont listen to talksort, "No Holds barred" hahahaha tell that to James Whale (sacked for telling listeners to vote for London mayoral candidate Boris Johnson) or Jon Gaunt (sakced for branding a Tory a Nazi............. Or even Rodney Marsh fro cracking a joke "David Beckham has turned down a move to Newcastle United because of trouble with the 'Toon Army in Asia' Again, No holds barred!! hahahahhahaha