new years resolutions first off, hope everyone has a fantastic 2011 what was your highs and lows and 2010 and what are your 2011 new years resolutions my high was eventually getting awarded my dolphins, i personally didnt really have a major low this year which is quite an achievment
my resolution is to sort my finances out n get out more to catch up with mates, been a bit like a recluse this year. nee real highs or lows mate to be fair this year, just been average year, roll on 2011
2010's been pretty boring for me too. Went to ibiza, that was alright like. Moved out me mams into my lasses but that's about it really. Aims for 2011 are to pass my driving test and get rid of this beer gut that's been slowly creeping up this year. Average stuff really. I'd like to say im going to travel the world and build mud hut schools in Kenya but im a lazy cunt.
2010 has been a breath of fresh air for me. Being made redundant was the best thing that ever happened to me, giving me enough scrilla to get out of the debt that's hounded me for five years and get out of the monotonous rut I was in enabling me study hefcs Goals for 2011 To quit smoking Get muckle as fuck Learn to drive Get into Uni In no particular order. X
To plain & simply calm down... 2010 has been far too wild. All down to finally moving out the rents. Bit structure is getting installed back in me life in 2011 starting tonight, (well tomorrow). Ha.
- Do more promo mixes - Go clubbing less and not ruin everything i wanted to do the following week - Spend less time on meaningless pursuits, people and things - See about getting some sets down south - Spend more time in the gym - Attempt to drink less - Start an online business
get back on the music side of things , hoards of equipment just going to waste push Dr.Green's Tree Surgery -- cant wait to finish college in june thats it like
1) wind up me local pubs football team as much as possible as i know how much they love biting back... 2) kick that drunken habit of smoking its soo not cool......THAT IS ALL.......
Just search for the New years resolutions posts from the last few years and you'll find mine again for this year
Go see more live music, keep off the gear, stop being such a daft pissed up cunt, maybe get a few 10K's done
just took a photo of meself and i look like a RIGHT fat old cunt with a proper harry redknapp face.. Gonna go on the effies soon like. \o/
i see no point in making any as i never stick to them. I have stopped drinking however but that's not a resolution, just something i need to do to save money and get rid of my 50 year old style beer gut! Didn't really have any highs as such this year, been a bit of a shit year really. No holiday, got no djing gigs anymore. Suppose i can always hope 2011 is a bit better cause it could be just as bad as 2010 but apart from ending up paralised i don't think it could be any worse