Your Country Needs You Germans are Europe's worst binge drinkers with almost one in five believing "the point of drinking is to get drunk," according to a survey. In the past, Britons have been condemned as the continent's prime offenders but the Mintel market research survey of 35,000 people painted a different picture. "Although the Germans may not go drinking as often as the British, when they do drink, many want to get drunk," Mintel senior consumer analyst Michelle Strutton said on Wednesday WE NEED TO GET THE TITLE BACK FOLKS, GET BINGEING FOLKS & LETS SHOW EUROPE HOW BAD WE CAN BE
Re: Your Country Needs You Government tries to stop it n spence starts a crusade to make it worse!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Your Country Needs You But it the Germans Bri, we cant let them be the best/worst binges in Europe
Re: Your Country Needs You Sadly Spence, i cant take part in this mission. I have lost my binge drinking capabilites. But carry on, go forth and get our title back from those German bar stewards.
Re: Re: Re: Your Country Needs You It's a long story, but the only person i would do it for, has made me. Indirectly of course.
Spence has definately not lost his binge drinking abilities.."come on man Katie, just let me take a glass please, i need a glass!"
the spence is still in full throttle where dranking is concerned...hes a conniseuir of vodka (like myself)
hahaha all my posts about :chill: got deleted, sorry mods, didnt think :chill: was that much an offence to warrant censorship.
sorry dude, no harm intended. Just tryin to educate the masses in the delight that is smoking a fatty
lol - tis cool mate. jus gotta keep that sorta talk off here - not good for the image u see ps. wish every1 was as understanding as u!!!!! hahaha they usually have the dogs out n chasing me with spears!!!!