York! Anyone been? just im going down there in few weeks, staying over night etc just wanted to kno what its like!
Yep been a few times. Its not a bad night but the clubs are pap and they get full really early so we used to get turned away from alot of themIts a nice place though, I know the bouncers used to be harsh about people wearing jeans and trainers but Im not sure what they are like now. Apart from that theres not much else to do during the day its pretty boring.
aye av been down there loads went last year with everyone from where i used to work and we just basically went on the piss all day, theres loads of pubs/bars scattered about not a bad day out but there aint that much else to do really
trainers are an absolute no no in york on a weekend. your absolutely fine during the week though. bar wise it is gash, but you don't come goto york to sit in bars. there are literally 20+ great pubs in and around the streets by the Minster. If you have to go to bars over pubs, then your best bets are oscars and kennedy's avoid the central places like yates.
You can have a great day session in york...however the evening lacks as there is only one club and its a shed...lots of shit to see...quite touristy
Agreed. I think it's a nice place. Went down with the g/f a few weeks back and we enjoyed it. It's good for a pub lunch and because there's trendy/wine bar types mixed with traditional pubs it caters for almost everybody... If the weather is good it'll make it even better.
Nightlife in York has got better since the late licencing I think. The clubs are shite, stay well away but there's absolutely loads of nice bars- Vudu, Evil Eye, Slug and Lettuce, Dusk, Ha Ha Bar etc etc that are open til late on (1am/ 2am) nowadays. There's loads of old style, what I'd call "proper" pubs too which are nice (and usually cheap.) If you're into cheesy places such as Reflex and Nexus, head for Micklegate and Rougier Street. Most of those places are open til late too. During the day there's... the new wheel near the station, York Dungeons is pretty cool too and yeah the Jorvik Centre which is good but it does stink horrible. Apart from that there isn't all THAT much to do here unless you're into old museums, of which there are oodles! The shops are pretty small compared to the one's in Newcastle. There's some quirky little tourist shops near the Minster I guess. York's great for eating and drinking though, hope you have fun Do you know where you're staying?
Always used to annoy me that when I used to wear trainers out, its mad how they havent changed it over the years though.
Yourk's nice, very pretty with LOADS of shops to look round, lots of pubs, markets and they have lots of different events on depending on the time of year. have a look on the York tourist website to see if there's anything on that weekend
cookee - ive wanted to go for ages aswell, we should arrange it me and sarah mentioned it ages ago but never got round to it