Yoji's trance set on saturday @ nation Was unreal !! nice floaty trance all the way , no hardness at all , tbf i enjoyed it more than any sets ive heard from "the big 3" of late !! His Hard set in the annexe room was fookin :evil: :evil: :evil: tho and i loved every minute of that too !! Good crack at the end too all the dj's back to back !!!
Re: Yoji's trance set on saturday @ nation shut up man seriously?? lol how did they manage to do the b2b sets?? coz surely it didnt work with likes of riley and durrant b2b yoji?? :spangled:
Re: Re: Yoji's trance set on saturday @ nation Seriously it was mint , put us on a nice floaty journey , put a few of the big lads to shame i reckon !! The back to back at the end consisted of yoji , scot project , oliver klitzing , alex kidd and a suprise mix by IK of X-bass fame !! Riley and and durrant were on 1st in the main room but were very dull and boreing so went thru to the hard room while the nu-breed competition winner was on who was mint tbf like !! Near the end of klitzings set i headed back thru to the main room for Gielen who was bashing out some nice ( but at times cheesey ) uplifting trance !! Scot project played some canny remixes of some of tiesto's tunes like with a much harder edge to them
glad yas all had fun u come out of it covered in dirt aswell?? with it being such a clean club :spangled:
Yeah we had a mint time like , having to go down on the national express drained us a bit like !! Aye the clubs a bit manky like i kept fallin down holes as well in the harder room ( not k holes either lol ) Standing at the bar in the middle of the 2 rooms was weird as well being able to hear the music from both rooms at once , well confusing :spangled: :spangled:
Re: Yoji's trance set on saturday @ nation Come again... No, seriously, come again? EH? I didnt know it was possible!! Where was this? Sorry u probly say in the post...details!!
Re: Re: Yoji's trance set on saturday @ nation lol , it was at yoji and friends @ nation on saturday gone , yoji played three sets , a main room trance set , a nails set in the annexe room and a b2b set with the other djs in the main room !! The whole nite was amazing !!
Sounds good. Ive got a Yoji set somewhere where he goes all floaty for abit but did'nt think he could do a whole set like that.