
Discussion in 'Music' started by Jon Mack, Sep 4, 2006.

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  1. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
    Likes Received:
    comfortably numb !

    Just a quick post (and shameless self promotion) for www.digitaldoghouse.co.uk. It's a Leeds based company that will be hosting some exclusive parties @ some of the best venues across the UK. The website includes a FREE downloads section where you can get some great mixes and even royalty free samples for the budding producers amongst you :D

    The parties that will be kicking off in the very near future are for members only + one guest.

    The site will be home to 12 residents covering everything from chugging deep house to jacking funk to minmal madness.

    DJ profiles/charts/playlists/news/downloads/podcasts/SMS and MMS services/wallpapers/information/various discounts on all sorts of services all for free !!

    Join up www.digitaldoghouse.co.uk

    The only doghouse you wont mind being stuck in.......

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
    Likes Received:
    comfortably numb !
    We have all been amazed at the response to the launch of the website and your enthusiasm for our variety of quality house music.

    Whilst we endeavour to ensure that our service is as efficient as possible we would like to offer our apologies for the delay in sending your membership card. As one of our valuable members told us recently “we do not make mistakes, we gain experience” and we would like to think that this is one of those occasions! You will be more than aware that without your membership card you are unable to download our recently posted productions; however, these mixes remain for a period of 4 weeks from the posting date so you will still have time to download them.

    Spread the word!

    We are currently in discussions with several recognisable venues to start our own regular digital doghouse hosted parties. The general feeling is that we will be running them as a members only, or members plus 1 guest policy. To avoid the disappointment of not been able to party with all your friends, we are asking all registered members to forward all your friends our website details enabling them to register for free with digital doghouse. They will then be able to reserve tickets for the parties themselves and not miss out! Further details will be confirmed nearer the time, once a suitable venue has been confirmed.


    As an incentive digital doghouse is offering a brand new APPLE iPOD NANO to the highest referring female and male members – perfect for listening to all of our mixes!

    In order to qualify for you must use the ‘send to a friend’ option on our homepage so we can monitor the referrals and the recipient must complete his or her registration by 17th October. This competition is also open to the members who join us in this period and use the ‘send to a friend’ facility. For more information please see the latest news section. Please remember our services are completely free!

    Our new E-news and SMS facilities are now up and running, so when mixes are made available for download and streaming we will advise you by text message so you won’t miss a single mix!

    There are lots of website enhancements in development so please continue to visit our latest news section and calendar to be kept in loop with exactly what is happening in the forthcoming weeks.

    All of us here at digital doghouse would like to thank you once again for your encouragement and support.

    Take care and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.

  4. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
    Likes Received:
    comfortably numb !
    the next batch of membership cards are on their way to all those who have registered...this will activate your ability to download the mixes you like from your selected DJ.

    DJ voting league also active

    More event news to follow in the near furure

    Things will be hotting up :D [​IMG] :D

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