wots happend to nice glitter?? im so shocked! shes turned into one of us!....nasty lil blighter, callin people cunts n sayin kylie looks like a pixie! jeez! im shocked!
also said by previously nice glitter: some one on gurn is called little miss messy, i say we find out who she is a burn her
ha ha ha, i must have been asked this by about 4 ppl yesterday, sorry if im being nasty to ppl, im nice really, but i havnt been out the house since sunday night, my mams being a bitch n im not too sure if i can go to JK, n eddie H, so im taking it out on u lot, lol, but nah, really, im just bored!!!!!!
and to top it off: im sorry like but i think kylie is a minger. she looks like a pixie!!!! she has a nice arse but thats all she is now, an arse, she flaunts her arse so much coz shes ugly n she knows it, has any1 every peeled their eyes away from her arse to actually have a look at her face?? if u get a chance, try it, i tell u, its not all that!! LMFAO! how mad is that! i thought she was all sweetness and light! lol! bless ya hunni!
oh shut up she's actually cool now shes gone from nicey nicey to one of us arrogant bitches - Its a big improvement
so then, ive got the choice of being nice and then the nice ppl will like me, or nasty then then joe will like me, hhhhmmmmm, difficult one, can i be nice but then when its called for can i be nasty and "cool"?
nah think about it logically i mean, yesterday was a tuesday today is a wednes day that then means its midweek, therefore .............. you get the rest. loop x
loosys right, if u think about it logically, i was at promise on friday then off to an afterparty, with no sleep i tottled off down to crasher, got the coach back home, then off to another afterparty, im bound to be a little bit grumpy, im feeling better today tho, but u know how u get mid-week (or rather everyday in joes case!)
If you go back to being lovey dovey nicey nicey I will blank you and spread malicious rumours about you