work experience on cv's how many should you put down? cos ive had 7 jobs now, shud i juyst put down the last 5? cos it goes over 2 pages
Depends how relevant they are. You should change your CV according to the job ur applying for. It might be a hassle but it'll b worth it. I was told CV's should be a maximum of three pages at Uni tho. So two should be OK.
Only put down very short summaries for the least important previous jobs. Or no summary at all. Don't leave out jobs because it makes you look like you've had gaps in your working life.
i agree with dod9y summarise all your jobs my cv covers the last 14 years and as i work as a contractor and move from contract to contract. i wouldnt leave anything out thats the first thing they pick up on gaps in employment
Hmm...think i miter miss out the Spar, cos that was back in 2001 and i had anotehr job at the time then nehow.
Geordielee's spot on here chicken. Put down the relevant ones specific to the job or put them all down but focus on the points in the job description and customise each summary to make it relevant. I was always told to make it no more than 2 sides, using both sides of the sheet therefore taking up less paper..... that was a while ago like. Funny the different advice you get based from different peeps experiences. Good luck on the job front
Put it all down even if its only a one liner for some of the jobs. If you have got gaps in employment etc make sure you are prepared to give a decent reason why in an interview. Fa Kin Su Pah - what do you contract doing? Should a contractors CV be any different to permanent persons CV?