Windfall Me and my mother are finding the financial situation tighter than an eskimo's sack at the mo, and to cut a long story short, we are considering buying our council house to cut the rent, by selling a property that was left to us by a relative - technically to me personally, not my mother. It would leave me with loads of free cash ( like 35 grand ). I plan to keep the cash in the bank and use it to help get thru Uni, after I make some inroads into it first. I am going to give some to charity, some to repair a hole in the ceiling, etc, but the main purchase I want to make is a car. If I am going to replace my trusty Volvo 440 1.8, I want it to be worth it: I want a car, not a runabout to get me from A to B. My question is, does anyone have any suggestions for a relatively cheap (5-10) performance car, that would be deserving of my spondooli? I was thinking: Sierra Cosworth Sapphire 4x4 : Great, but hard to find a good one. R5GTT - Cheap, but very charvish, impossible to find a good one, would probs have to buy brand new engine. Old Impreza / Evo: Again, mostly rust buckets. Also, anyone got any idea how to insure it best? As the car would be my mothers , I would get her 40 year no claims on the car. Any input appreciated.
Re: Windfall No, definatley not Unreliable as fuck, mark 1 impreza's cost next to nowt on around an M-plate and it shouldnt be 2 hard to find a decent one, check the autotrader etc!
Just incase I get thrown into the sea, battered with a wrecking ball, firebombed, then caught in the demolition of a large building, eh? You never know Seriously, I have considered a pickup, would be unusual here in the UK, I could get one from US easy as I have relatives etc there and a dual nationality passport, and they really are reliable and practical. Having said that, as I said above, it wouldn't do much for me that my Volvo does now, unless I plan to carry a Piano or something.
Your buying a house you live in off the Council, which means your more than likely buying this house with a whopping discount. It will be 1 less house the council has for the poor and needy . I don't mind you coining it in on the back of the Right To Buy scheme, but your commie concession should and I know Tony Benn will be frowning on you. Your wheeling dealing in property & cars like some sort of young Tory boy apprentice. Then again your taking full advantage of a scheme introduced by Mrs Thatcher
If the Welfare system would support my rent payments so I didn't need to do this, I would be more than happy not to. It's simply practicalities: a Communist cannot live a Communist life within a Capitalist state and expect to make a difference. I think Lenin said it best, when he said ( of the NEP ) : " People today, they say "Look at Communism in Russia today, it is like a man on crutches". Russia is akin to a man who has been beaten within an inch of his life: to expect to escape without crutches, is to understand nothing."" Wow, two Lenin quotes in one day, I need some new literature. Marx anyone?
I am sure the sale of your other property would cover a good few years rent payments. If you want to take advanage of a Maggie policy go ahead my son no complaints from me. At the end of all this your 35K up & own the home you live in, so sod your natural far left instincts.
TBH I would rather keep my other house up there, the amount of fun that can be had spending a weekend up there with a few mates, going down the pub, playing pool etc is quite surprising. Also holds sentimental value for me. Instead I am being railroaded into owning an inner city property that will probably drop in value soon, and getting a shitload of cash that will count as unearned income and boost my tax vastly, despite my earning a pittance. Oh joy for the Iron Lady, may she die soon, slowly, and painfully
Re: Windfall you can still get fresh jap imports of the older cars, they dont salt the roads over there you wont find a rusty one if you do this route, if you buy a older one thats allready seen 8 english winters, it will be a bit scaby.