Why is it... that you have good intentions to go for "one beer" after work, n the next thing you know, you're hammered, n pissin against the nearest lampost!! I did that once (just the once I swear!!) and the light blew (wiv a big bang!!) coz I pissed on the panel that covers the electrics, therefore causin a mad short circuit!! I nearly shat myself that time!!
haha, got a joke about that: wots the definition of revenge?........ ...........a lampost pissin on a dog! soooo lame, i know, but im bored
How chuffed must you be Karl that they sell lollies now? You always give fookin lollies!! Cheers they come in handy in times of need Like this one time in band camp.....
Re: Why is it... not the wisest thing to do, spesh when u turn round and the boys in blue are waiting to take ur number
Re: Why is it... you should be careful....you can get arrested for that sort of thing (just ask cyberted!)...
lmao yeah u can be arrested for this sort of thinng tis well harsh but i still havent learned my lesson hehehe whnh u have to go u have to go!!
lol...a mate of mine has a class criminal record, 3 pissing in the street charges, which he went to court for and was fined over £100 each time.....lol how shit is that!
At least you boys have the hose attachment which makes it slightly easier! It's very hard for us girlies to piss on lamp posts.
True. I saw a lass pretend to have a 'sit down' in a taxi queue, she almost got away with it until the steam started to rise. I nearly pissed my own keks laughing.
bit expensive though wonder if they'll start takin them off us when we go in now that they sell em?!?