Why do women always f**k us blokes up? Why is it that women always manage to f**k us blokes up? Had a bombshell dropped on me by my ex a couple of days ago. Actually it was on my birthday - they always time them at the most inappropriate moments dont they? Anyway, suffice to say that the news has affected me a LOT more than I thought it would. duurrrrrr ....... 2 years on and she still gets to me...........! HELP! I need cheering up!
awww cheer up hun hope whatever it is that happened gets sorted out. its not always us women that have the capability to fuck people up though u boys are just as bad believe me!!!
oh yes definitley!!! sorry i dont mean to be having a go at you lads in general, maybe its just the boys that i've been involved that have been evil and nasty im sure there are some nice ones out there somewhere but it remains to be seen!!
yeah but "nice lads" never get a look in, you lot only go for lads that are b**tards anyway! Beleive me, I've seen it time and time again! Sorry I'm in a really cynical mood today!
oh dear, seems to me youve got a case of the anti women virus.my advice is to go and hire yourself a prostitute for a few hours and take your grief out on her,but nicely