Why are we awake? I do it every night I have no idea why.. after about 1:30 theres fook all on sky.. nobody to talk to on msn and I can't seem to think of anything decent to do on the computer yet i still avoid going to bed before now at all costs. I dunno what's up. Even when I wake up again at 8 (rare tho) I'll still be up till stupid 'o clock :spangled:
Everyones getting up .... ive just finished off in the hotel bar ... a weeks drinking has knacked me in. Meetings in 9 hours - bugger!
Can't say i've ever woken myself with a fart I do have a job, do go out to the pub and to my m8's etc but i just dont like to goto bed early.. i dunno why. I prefer nights to daytime I suppose. I think its with going out so much I've turned nocturnal I used to go out clubbing about 4 times every week.