Who is a vinyl junkie?? How many peeps on this board are actually addicted to buying vinyl, coz i can safely say I am!! Thought i had got away from the habit for a while (coz i was skint) but went back the long slippery path today...even though i am skint!!
My names Steve Imac and im a vynaholic put it this way i spent my bus fair from toon to killingworth (8 mile) just to buy ralphie b massive disclosure as it wassnt there first time i went in and i spent all my weel earned money went bak for quick look and there it was. Long fukin walk 3 hrs. ITS A NEW RECORD
well id say i'm a recovering vinylholic, as i went through a big spate of spending and built up some big debts, i relised the error of my ways and had to stop for awhile, untill i could get my funds into a stable situation. But i have to admit over the last 2 months ive started buying again....
every week, on a monday, i check all the new releases and usually end up getting a fair few a week. all this on a student loan as well!though the collection is coming along nicely!
just spent £75 on the fuckas yesterday!......... if we all admittin it though then i should come to terms with it....... im a vinylholic! it feels soooo much better when u admit it!
spent about £150 on em in one week and got a djm500 so ive been strugglin to get any this month, but will b back on track when i next get paid
I don't spend that much but then again I don't earn that much. Still I always seem to end up skint at the end of the month!
ahhhh lucky twat!! dont overdo that flanger mind!! vinyl buying latley has been quite ded recently cause lack of £!! but hopefully all will be resumed soon!!!
I take part in the act of vinyl buying every Thursday as I get paid the previous evening at midnight! And guess what...it's Thursday!
hmmm, what bout me??? i just buy them when i can. Plus its not like i havent got enough money to buy them anyways... usually spend £40 a week on them, ordering from the net.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HIS NAME IS FIZZ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^AND HES A VYNAHOLIC^^^^^^^^^
Funny that this should come up now, but one of the reasons I've been off the board recently is because I'm rehousing my vinyl. It's taken me two days to install the shelving alone and now I have the unenviable task of cataloguing everything before sorting it into genre. I must be a fucking smack head.
i think a certain someone needs special help, especially on the amount of money he spent on vinyls this past week!!! goldie!
a large portion of my stoodent loan went on 5 months worth of buying lots and lots of vinyl. but havent got the dex for the summer so vinyl purchasing has dryed up a bit, which my pocket has thanked me for.