Who did I meet.......... last night at GK?? A lad in the bar, you said your name, but I was too fucked to remember it LOL, When I mentioned my name, you said you were off this board.........so show yourself
wot did they look like?? may have been me but i don't know.. spooks did i say hello?? i can remember spotting u but can't remember speaking 2 u ??
LMAO!! I saw some1 who i was sure was Dj Paul but it turned out it wasnt I was introducin him to every1 Whoever u were im sorry for bein a knob U were wif ur girlfriend i think who was in pink
LOLOLOL Is that what he said?? (Chris) hehe, naa he aint off the board mate, he's down Promise with me all the time, but isn't a true follower to the scene if you know what I mean